Today's Gallery (2023.02.17)

BEARS OF THE BOUGHS … A binturong, or baash bhalluk in Bangla, taking a nap on the bough of a tree in Sylhet’s Lawachhara. A binturong may look like a bear-cat hybrid. They even have long tails which they use as an extra arm to climb trees. However, binturongs are neither bears nor cats, and are rather related to civets and fossas. They occur mainly throughout South Asian and Southeast Asian countries. Primarily arboreal creatures, binturongs prefer being confined to forested areas. While they often feed on birds, rodents and insects, they also make sure to involve fruits and vegetables in their diet. Binturongs have a very distinctive smell -- like buttered popcorn! As pleasing as that might sound, it is actually to let other binturongs know they are trespassing or to discourage potential predators. Unfortunately, this fascinating mammal has been categorised by the IUCN as “vulnerable”, and also “endangered” in some parts of their range, as they are often at risk of habitat destruction, poaching and is considered a delicacy in some areas, for which they are hunted. PHOTO: TIMU HOSSAIN