Today's Gallery (2024.06.25)
Buses heading towards Mohakhali intersection block the ramp of Mohakhali Flyover, not in picture, in the capital’s Chairmanbari area, leading to tailbacks on this busy road. The photo was taken around noon yesterday. Photo: Prabir Das
The water of the Gulshan-Banani-Baridhara lake wears a slimy, green look due to extensive pollution from household waste. The stench from the lake has become so unbearable that people have to cover their noses from far away to avoid it. The photo was taken from the capital’s Kemal Ataturk Avenue yesterday.
Agriculture labourers sun drying Boro rice, after collecting them from local farmers at a price of Tk 1,100-1,200 per maund. After purchase, they boil, dry and thresh the rice before selling them to wholesalers at Tk 40-50 per kg. The photo was taken in Ghona village of Khulna’s Dumuria upazila recently.