The Rohingya Influx
A Rohingya woman hands her child over to a fellow while crossing a barbwire fence during the mass exodus from Myanmar in August 2017. File photo: AFP
Rohingyas fleeing persecution in Myanmar in August 2017. File photo: Reuters
Rohingyas fleeing persecution in Myanmar as Rakhine state burns behind them in August 2017. File photo: Reuters
Rohingyas fleeing persecution in Myanmar in August 2017. File photo: Reuters
A house burnt down in a Rohingya village in Myanmar's Rakhine state in August 2017. File photo: Reuters
A Rohingya village in Rakhine state of Myanmar burns in August 2017. File photo: Reuters
Rohingyas coming down from a boat carrying the refugees from Myanmar in August 2017. File photo: Reuters
Rohingyas fleeing persecution in Myanmar in August 2017. File photo: STAR