Building the 1:24 model of Tamiya Nissan 300ZX Fairlady
Ton's of parts that need to be painted individually. Or, bunch up the parts that are to be the same color and spray on.
The original plan was to paint it yellow. Mid-way the plan changed to black and then settled on gunmetal grey.
Had some issue with intake tubing. A little heat fixed that. Pro builders would go crazy by adding cables, wiring, metal parts. This one comes with left-hand and right-hand drive dashboards and wipers.
Quite possibly the most difficult part to do perfectly. The rear of the lens has small raised dots and paint can easily seep into it making it a mess. Used a thin black brush to do the black lines. THe red was painted on the car body itself to create the smoked overlaid effect of the real car.
Yet another difficult area to do: window masking. Initially i used electric tape. Good model masking tape is not available here. You can use markers or several gentle dusty coats of flat black spray.
The finished product. Ignore the fact that the rear wiper is not placed in the customary JDM style along the slope of the window. I felt this was a cleaner look.
Left the front number plate off. It is just a display model after all.
Notice anything different? Other wheel options still being tried on.