Have a nice day
My country — my health care
Healthcare in 1980
- Healthcare delivery was dominated by public hospitals
- Service standards were generally poor
- Physicians were tied to security of public system
- Innovation was slow
- Private hospitals were in their infancy
- Served mostly middle and upper class clientele
- Mostly part-time physicians from public hospitals run the industry
- Few modern technologies came to Dhaka for medical care
Healthcare in 2011
- Doctors and patients — neither side of the coin is satisfied
- Many have lost confidence in locally available services and allied health care
- People are going abroad — especially to India, Thailand and Singapore in increasing numbers to get treatment
- Pressing need to better address the health rights of those who have less, especially the 'middle class'
Healthcare in 2018
- Health inequalities are increasing
- Public vs. non-public sector — challenges ahead
- Quality of care needs accreditation
- ICU, CCU and post-operative need monitoring by a private expert cell
- People are going abroad; it is increasing again
- Private health care services created medical poverty
- Proper human resource constraints are prevailing
- There is no planning towards biomedical century and further advancement
E-mail: rubaiulmurshed@gmail.com