Squeaky clean Eid
There are some grownup things to consider too, such as setting out budgets for your sacrificial animal, setting up the butchers, and of course, getting all sorts of cleaning agents, such as bleach and detergent, before the big day arrives. The last bit, particularly, is something that is extremely overlooked by the general populous. If you ever wondered why there was a "River of Blood" moment a few years back, there's your answer; a severe lack of cleanliness which led to clogged sewers.
Keep in mind that simply buying your animal and sacrificing it is not the be all and end all of everything. There are many things that validate a sacrifice, one of which is cleanliness and hygiene. So, with all that said, try to adhere to these tips and you can ensure a clean and Halal sacrifice.
When going in for the sacrifice, wear something that isn't too expensive and easy to clean. As soon as the sacrifice is done, get your blood splattered clothes to the washer immediately and wash it thoroughly with detergent.
Keep a generous helping of water handy wherever you are sacrificing the animal. Start washing away the immediate area and collect all waste products and put them on garbage bags for easier disposal.
When all the sacrifices in the area are complete, wash the area thoroughly with bleach, detergent, and to ensure no microorganism growth, salt some of the corners and hard to clean areas for good measure.
Photo: LS Archive/Sazzad Ibne Sayed/Kumudini