The (Un)safer Way Home
The photos documented this week in the 'Shutterstories' section shows the every day risks that motorists and pedestrians take while crossing the train signal. Rather than waiting for the train to go by, they prefer to 'speed up loves' and risk it out instead -- breaking the signal and hurrying across the railway tracks. This is simply a dangerous act and needs to be monitored and stopped immediately.
Not only do motorists take risks with their lives with moving trains, but so do individuals of all ages, who sadly have no other choice but to get on the roof top of the trains and make the long journey home during annual holidays. Fascinating as it may look, crowding up on top of a train is an activity that must be put to a stop as well. If the government wants people to observe a peaceful holiday season, more compartments must be added to the existing trains or other safer means of transport need to be introduced.
Photos: Prabir Das