Lee Jong-Wha

The writer is Professor of Economics and Director of the Asiatic Research Institute at Korea University. His most recent book, co-authored with Harvard's Robert J. Barro, is Education Matters: Global Gains from the 19th to the 21st Century.

Is Pax Sinica Possible?

For nearly a decade, Chinese President Xi Jinping has been promising to deliver “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” This promise—which he dubbed the China Dream—took a clearer form with the introduction of the two centenary goals: building a “moderately prosperous

3y ago

Is the Asian Century Really Here?

The Covid-19 pandemic has not been the west’s finest hour. Most western governments failed to contain the deadly outbreak and the resulting economic damage effectively.

3y ago

East Asia’s political vulnerability

Popular discontent is fuelling protest and paralysis across Latin America. If East Asia isn’t careful, it could be next.

4y ago

Populism takes Asia

The rise of populism across the West in recent years has been the subject of countless discussions, and for good reason: populists’ misguided policies often have severely adverse political and economic consequences. Now, those risks are coming to Asia.

5y ago

Lessons of East Asia's human-capital development

Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Education does not just enable individuals to improve their lot in life; it enriches an economy's human capital, which is vital to prosperity and social progress.

5y ago

How Asia should respond to US protectionism

Over the last five decades or so, Asia's economies have relied largely on an export-oriented development model to support rapid economic transformation and growth. But with US President Donald Trump fulfilling his promise to adopt a more protectionist approach to trade—an effort that could spur retaliatory measures by other countries—that model is coming under increasing strain.

6y ago

Asia's central banks should prepare to raise interest rates

Financial markets around Asia are preparing for a Goldilocks economy in 2018—not too hot, not too cold, with strong growth and stable prices.

6y ago

Inequality comes to Asia

From China to India, Asian countries' rapid economic expansion has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in recent decades. Yet the income distribution has lately worsened, with inequality now potentially even more severe in Asia than in the developed economies of the West.

6y ago
August 18, 2021
August 18, 2021

Is Pax Sinica Possible?

For nearly a decade, Chinese President Xi Jinping has been promising to deliver “the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.” This promise—which he dubbed the China Dream—took a clearer form with the introduction of the two centenary goals: building a “moderately prosperous

April 12, 2021
April 12, 2021

Is the Asian Century Really Here?

The Covid-19 pandemic has not been the west’s finest hour. Most western governments failed to contain the deadly outbreak and the resulting economic damage effectively.

November 30, 2019
November 30, 2019

East Asia’s political vulnerability

Popular discontent is fuelling protest and paralysis across Latin America. If East Asia isn’t careful, it could be next.

August 3, 2019
August 3, 2019

Populism takes Asia

The rise of populism across the West in recent years has been the subject of countless discussions, and for good reason: populists’ misguided policies often have severely adverse political and economic consequences. Now, those risks are coming to Asia.

February 2, 2019
February 2, 2019

Lessons of East Asia's human-capital development

Nelson Mandela once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Education does not just enable individuals to improve their lot in life; it enriches an economy's human capital, which is vital to prosperity and social progress.

April 3, 2018
April 3, 2018

How Asia should respond to US protectionism

Over the last five decades or so, Asia's economies have relied largely on an export-oriented development model to support rapid economic transformation and growth. But with US President Donald Trump fulfilling his promise to adopt a more protectionist approach to trade—an effort that could spur retaliatory measures by other countries—that model is coming under increasing strain.

January 26, 2018
January 26, 2018

Asia's central banks should prepare to raise interest rates

Financial markets around Asia are preparing for a Goldilocks economy in 2018—not too hot, not too cold, with strong growth and stable prices.

November 22, 2017
November 22, 2017

Inequality comes to Asia

From China to India, Asian countries' rapid economic expansion has lifted hundreds of millions of people out of poverty in recent decades. Yet the income distribution has lately worsened, with inequality now potentially even more severe in Asia than in the developed economies of the West.

October 4, 2017
October 4, 2017

South Korea's looming crisis

Twenty years after the Asian financial crisis, South Korea seems to have learned its lesson, having taken great pains to strengthen its economic resilience.

November 23, 2016
November 23, 2016

Uniting for an Asian Century

Perhaps the best way to kick-start this process is to identify areas where the region can gain the most from integration, and take steps that will bring quick returns.