Staying relevant in the job market
The job market is constantly changing, faster now than ever before. Therefore, in order to remain employable, you have to be adaptable. How do you stay on top of the changing demands of the workplace and ensure you climb up the career ladder? How do you remain relevant?
1. Learn
It is as simple as that. Let learning become a part of your lifestyle and always aim to be ahead in your industry. Learn new skills relevant to your field, e.g. mastering new digital art software if you are in the advertisement industry.
But learn with direction. Do not go all over the place stacking up skills and information that you will not possibly need. Know that time is a limited resource and spend it smartly.
Do not stop with just learning though. Implement what you have learnt and experiment with your ideas. Share what you have learnt, teach others in your organisation, and establish a reputation for yourself as a credible person. Maintain an active presence within a circle of like-minded people (or people who work in the same industry as you do), and attend seminars, workshops and events.
2. Understand the dynamics of your industry
Stay informed on where the industry you work for is headed and prepare accordingly. Where do you stand and how can you add value to your firm?
3. Step up your networking game
'Who' you know is as important as 'what' you know. Make connections – reach out to everyone. Never shy away from meeting new people and maintaining those connections.
Research different networking styles if you do not feel confident reaching out to people. Find one that is suitable for you because regular networking is essential for enhancing your growth and climbing the career ladder.
4. Embrace technology
Stay in touch and always within reach. Stay updated not only with your firm's details, but your competitors'. Become adept at using the latest technology and be aware of the advances made in your field.
5. Be open-minded and flexible
You cannot let rigidity stand in your way to growth. The world is changing and it will change with or without you. Step out of your comfort zone and challenge yourself. Be the person in the team who is willing to work, willing to change, and willing to learn. Be the part of the organisation it is willing to work with, as well as the person who is open to opportunities, ideas, and changes.
6. Create your personal brand
Make your presence distinguishable amongst circles relevant to your career. Be visible to employers within your organisation and stand out by constantly upgrading your CV and fine-tuning your LinkedIn profile. Make yourself worthy. Know your worth and ensure everyone knows it too.
The writer is a sophomore at the Institute of Business Administration, University of Dhaka