
DIY Phone Cases

Tired of the same old boring store-bought phone cases? Can't find the exact kind of case you want? Here are ways you can add some flair to your phone case, or better still, make one of your own.

Scratch-Off Phone Cases

Here are the materials you'll need: a transparent case that fits your phone, brightly colored highlighters, crayons or felt pens, paper, wide tape, a box cutter, a paint brush and matte (optional) black acrylic paint. Trace your phone cover with the part that holds in the phone facing upwards and cut it out. Using your colors paint it however you like; I prefer to draw splotches packed together so that the end product looks multi-colored. Carefully stick the wide tape over your artwork and cut out the excess. Paint the outside of your phone case with the black paint and make sure to cover the sides as well. Let it dry thoroughly. Place the colorful artwork in to the case and cut out the holes for the camera or the speakers, and pop the case back in to the phone. Using the back end of your paint brush scratch on anything you like. If you make mistakes you can simply paint over them with the black paint and start over. 

Geometric phone cases

For this you need: a transparent case, black permanent marker, acrylic paints of your choice and some sponges. Draw on your geometric figures on the inside of the cover and then simply dab some paint all over the inside over your artwork to create a nice ombre effect. You could even stick on holographic papers or other quirky printouts over the artwork instead of painting over it. The possibilities are endless!

Washi tape phone cases

This one will take you 5 minutes to make at the max. Get some washi tapes, any kind you like, glittery, printed, tribal etc. and stick it on the phone however you like. You could create chevron patterns or even stick them diagonally for a minimalistic look. Pop on the cover and voila!

Polka dots or sparkles

For the polka dots effect, I found it best to use nail polish of various colors. You could only paint the sides or do it all over. The same technique goes for the sparkles; use some glue on the inside of the cover and stick on the sparkles anyway you like. You could even use glitter instead of sparkles. Sprinkle it all over where you used the glue and then dust off the excess.


For inspiration, you could Google quotes, speech bubbles, images of your favorite characters etc. resize them and print them out. Cut them out, stick some glue on the image and place it on the cover. 

Sometimes, you end up finding the galaxy art phone case, or the perfect fur phone case in stores, but why shed tears over the highly expensive covers when you can make inexpensive ones yourself?

Maisha Maliha speaks what crosses her mind in the most positive way but is often misinterpreted and thought to be a lunatic. Unfollow her at


DIY Phone Cases

Tired of the same old boring store-bought phone cases? Can't find the exact kind of case you want? Here are ways you can add some flair to your phone case, or better still, make one of your own.

Scratch-Off Phone Cases

Here are the materials you'll need: a transparent case that fits your phone, brightly colored highlighters, crayons or felt pens, paper, wide tape, a box cutter, a paint brush and matte (optional) black acrylic paint. Trace your phone cover with the part that holds in the phone facing upwards and cut it out. Using your colors paint it however you like; I prefer to draw splotches packed together so that the end product looks multi-colored. Carefully stick the wide tape over your artwork and cut out the excess. Paint the outside of your phone case with the black paint and make sure to cover the sides as well. Let it dry thoroughly. Place the colorful artwork in to the case and cut out the holes for the camera or the speakers, and pop the case back in to the phone. Using the back end of your paint brush scratch on anything you like. If you make mistakes you can simply paint over them with the black paint and start over. 

Geometric phone cases

For this you need: a transparent case, black permanent marker, acrylic paints of your choice and some sponges. Draw on your geometric figures on the inside of the cover and then simply dab some paint all over the inside over your artwork to create a nice ombre effect. You could even stick on holographic papers or other quirky printouts over the artwork instead of painting over it. The possibilities are endless!

Washi tape phone cases

This one will take you 5 minutes to make at the max. Get some washi tapes, any kind you like, glittery, printed, tribal etc. and stick it on the phone however you like. You could create chevron patterns or even stick them diagonally for a minimalistic look. Pop on the cover and voila!

Polka dots or sparkles

For the polka dots effect, I found it best to use nail polish of various colors. You could only paint the sides or do it all over. The same technique goes for the sparkles; use some glue on the inside of the cover and stick on the sparkles anyway you like. You could even use glitter instead of sparkles. Sprinkle it all over where you used the glue and then dust off the excess.


For inspiration, you could Google quotes, speech bubbles, images of your favorite characters etc. resize them and print them out. Cut them out, stick some glue on the image and place it on the cover. 

Sometimes, you end up finding the galaxy art phone case, or the perfect fur phone case in stores, but why shed tears over the highly expensive covers when you can make inexpensive ones yourself?

Maisha Maliha speaks what crosses her mind in the most positive way but is often misinterpreted and thought to be a lunatic. Unfollow her at
