Afnan Ahmed Crystal

Reverse culture shock: Is it real?

We've all contemplated visiting “developed” countries. Some amongst us have been able to check it off their bucket list already while others still look forward to a drive through streets free of scads of garbage and potholes.

7y ago

Shoot for the moon, at least you'll land among the stars

Yeah, if you miscalculate the distance, that is. You might even hit your head on the moon; at least the impact may set your brain in place.

7y ago

How to Destroy a Child's Self-esteem

We learn to handle negative comments when we become adults; at that stage negative comments don't seem to bother us that much.

7y ago
August 24, 2017
August 24, 2017

Reverse culture shock: Is it real?

We've all contemplated visiting “developed” countries. Some amongst us have been able to check it off their bucket list already while others still look forward to a drive through streets free of scads of garbage and potholes.

July 13, 2017
July 13, 2017

Shoot for the moon, at least you'll land among the stars

Yeah, if you miscalculate the distance, that is. You might even hit your head on the moon; at least the impact may set your brain in place.

June 8, 2017
June 8, 2017

How to Destroy a Child's Self-esteem

We learn to handle negative comments when we become adults; at that stage negative comments don't seem to bother us that much.