Sundarbans & Forest

Mama monkey of Dhaka

These pictures were taken by NB Mansoor from her Gulshan home Wednesday during heavy rain. We share the story, as described by NB Mansoor.

"On Wednesday, during the rain, this mama monkey took shelter in the tree beside my window."

"She got scared and restless when I started taking photos."

"The rain got heavier and they did not have any option but to stay there. I could see the helpless mom communicating with me in the universal language of a mother."

"With her eyes, she told me not to scare her precious little one as she was protecting her sleepy baby from this heavy rain. I felt guilty, I felt bad. Her eyes were fixed on me watching my moves. I had to put down my camera at one point to assure her."

"She was relaxed and started feeding her little one."

"I was moved by the warmth of those eyes saying 'Thank You'. She was happy. I was happy. And two moms became friends today."

Photo courtesy: NB Mansoor 


Mama monkey of Dhaka

These pictures were taken by NB Mansoor from her Gulshan home Wednesday during heavy rain. We share the story, as described by NB Mansoor.

"On Wednesday, during the rain, this mama monkey took shelter in the tree beside my window."

"She got scared and restless when I started taking photos."

"The rain got heavier and they did not have any option but to stay there. I could see the helpless mom communicating with me in the universal language of a mother."

"With her eyes, she told me not to scare her precious little one as she was protecting her sleepy baby from this heavy rain. I felt guilty, I felt bad. Her eyes were fixed on me watching my moves. I had to put down my camera at one point to assure her."

"She was relaxed and started feeding her little one."

"I was moved by the warmth of those eyes saying 'Thank You'. She was happy. I was happy. And two moms became friends today."

Photo courtesy: NB Mansoor 


ভারতে বাংলাদেশি কার্ডের ব্যবহার কমেছে ৪০ শতাংশ, বেড়েছে থাইল্যান্ড-সিঙ্গাপুরে

বিদেশে বাংলাদেশি ক্রেডিট কার্ডের মাধ্যমে সবচেয়ে বেশি খরচ হতো ভারতে। গত জুলাইয়ে ভারতকে ছাড়িয়ে গেছে যুক্তরাষ্ট্র।

২ ঘণ্টা আগে