
Nine of 12 Savar cattle markets unauthorised

Dhaka cattle market
A temporary cattle market set up without permission of the deputy commissioner's (DC's) office in Ashulia's Narshinghapur. Jubo League convener of Ashulia Thana, Kobir Hossen Mollah, is running the market. There are at least eight more such illegal markets across Savar upazila. Photo: Aklakur Rahman Akash

Influential people including some leaders of the ruling party allegedly set up at least nine illegal cattle markets across Savar upazila, on the outskirts of the capital, on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha.

According to official documents, the Savar upazila administration had recommended to the Dhaka deputy commissioner's office to allow 11 temporary cattle markets this year, but the DC office approved only one -- Bogabari in Ashulia. 

There are a total of 12 cattle markets in Savar upazila, three of which are legal -- a permanent one in Ashulia Bazar, another in Ulail, Savar, and the other in Bogbari, Ashulia.

During a visit to different places yesterday, this correspondent saw illegal markets in Savar's Razabari and Ashulia's Dandabor, Ghorapir Mazar, Ghoshbag, Narshinghapur, Kathgora, Kuturea, Goailbari, and Jirani area. Police were also deployed at every illegal cattle market to provide security. People running the markets were charging buyers 3 percent to 5 percent of the purchasing price as hasil.

Seeking anonymity, a local Awami League leader said the government was losing a huge amount of revenue due to these illegal cattle markets.  

Shofi Uddin, member of ward-9 of Swanirvor Dhamsona Union Parishad (UP), set up a market in Ghorapir Mazar area, beside Alhaz Jafar Bepari High School, without permission of the DC office.

Wishing not to be named, a shopkeeper in Ghorapir Mazar area, said it remains a question how an illegal cattle market is being run with police protection.

Asked, how a local representative established an illegal market, ward member Shofi Uddin said, "We submitted an application to the DC office through the Savar upazila administration for approval but the DC office refused."

"We set up this market at the request of local residents because there has been a market here for the last four years," he added.

Jubo League convener of Ashulia Thana, Kobir Hossen Mollah, allegedly set up the market in Ashulia's Norshinghopur Bottala area.

Kobir said they took preparations to set up the market a week ago and that they were sure they would get approval this time like the previous years. "When all the preparations were completed, the DC office refused to give permission," he said.

Md Karim Chiste, member of ward-8 of Shimulia union, who set up a market in Jirani, claimed that he got permission from the DC office. He, however, could not show any legal document in this regard.

This correspondent talked to Officer-in-Charge of Ashulia Police Station Abdul Awal, about police providing security to the illegal markets.

The OC said they got a list of 10 cattle markets including the permanent one at Ashulia Bazar from the upazila administration. "I don't know which one is authorised and which one is not," he said.

Denying the claim of the OC, Savar Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Sheikh Russell Hasan said they asked police and union chairmen to stop the illegal markets.

The Daily Star repeatedly tried to contact the DC of Dhaka, Mohammad Salah Uddin, over the phone but he did not respond.


Nine of 12 Savar cattle markets unauthorised

Dhaka cattle market
A temporary cattle market set up without permission of the deputy commissioner's (DC's) office in Ashulia's Narshinghapur. Jubo League convener of Ashulia Thana, Kobir Hossen Mollah, is running the market. There are at least eight more such illegal markets across Savar upazila. Photo: Aklakur Rahman Akash

Influential people including some leaders of the ruling party allegedly set up at least nine illegal cattle markets across Savar upazila, on the outskirts of the capital, on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha.

According to official documents, the Savar upazila administration had recommended to the Dhaka deputy commissioner's office to allow 11 temporary cattle markets this year, but the DC office approved only one -- Bogabari in Ashulia. 

There are a total of 12 cattle markets in Savar upazila, three of which are legal -- a permanent one in Ashulia Bazar, another in Ulail, Savar, and the other in Bogbari, Ashulia.

During a visit to different places yesterday, this correspondent saw illegal markets in Savar's Razabari and Ashulia's Dandabor, Ghorapir Mazar, Ghoshbag, Narshinghapur, Kathgora, Kuturea, Goailbari, and Jirani area. Police were also deployed at every illegal cattle market to provide security. People running the markets were charging buyers 3 percent to 5 percent of the purchasing price as hasil.

Seeking anonymity, a local Awami League leader said the government was losing a huge amount of revenue due to these illegal cattle markets.  

Shofi Uddin, member of ward-9 of Swanirvor Dhamsona Union Parishad (UP), set up a market in Ghorapir Mazar area, beside Alhaz Jafar Bepari High School, without permission of the DC office.

Wishing not to be named, a shopkeeper in Ghorapir Mazar area, said it remains a question how an illegal cattle market is being run with police protection.

Asked, how a local representative established an illegal market, ward member Shofi Uddin said, "We submitted an application to the DC office through the Savar upazila administration for approval but the DC office refused."

"We set up this market at the request of local residents because there has been a market here for the last four years," he added.

Jubo League convener of Ashulia Thana, Kobir Hossen Mollah, allegedly set up the market in Ashulia's Norshinghopur Bottala area.

Kobir said they took preparations to set up the market a week ago and that they were sure they would get approval this time like the previous years. "When all the preparations were completed, the DC office refused to give permission," he said.

Md Karim Chiste, member of ward-8 of Shimulia union, who set up a market in Jirani, claimed that he got permission from the DC office. He, however, could not show any legal document in this regard.

This correspondent talked to Officer-in-Charge of Ashulia Police Station Abdul Awal, about police providing security to the illegal markets.

The OC said they got a list of 10 cattle markets including the permanent one at Ashulia Bazar from the upazila administration. "I don't know which one is authorised and which one is not," he said.

Denying the claim of the OC, Savar Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Sheikh Russell Hasan said they asked police and union chairmen to stop the illegal markets.

The Daily Star repeatedly tried to contact the DC of Dhaka, Mohammad Salah Uddin, over the phone but he did not respond.


লালমনিরহাটের পাটগ্রাম উপজেলার বুড়িমারী স্থলবন্দরে কর্মহীন শ্রমিক। ছবি: সংগৃহীত

পাথর আমদানি বন্ধ, বুড়িমারীর ২৫ হাজার শ্রমিকের কর্মহীন দিন

সংশ্লিষ্টরা বলছেন, বুড়িমারী স্থলবন্দরে আমদানি-রপ্তানির ৮০ শতাংশ দখল করে আছে এই পাথর-বাণিজ্য। আমদানি বন্ধ থাকায় প্রতিদিন দেড় কোটি টাকার রাজস্ব হারাচ্ছে সরকার।

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