Tasnuba Sinha

Tasnuba Sinha works for FHI 360 (formerly Family Health International), a nonprofit human development organisation based in North Carolina, USA. Established in 1971, the organisation has long managed projects relating to family planning and reproductive health.

Why we should rethink financial inclusion

The good news is that mobile phones and alternate banking channels such as agent banking are bringing millions of individuals into the formal financial system, meaning they have bank accounts or mobile money account for the first time. This is important because financial inclusion is crucial in helping people save money for emergencies, get loans to start businesses, and ultimately resulting in an improvement in their overall wellbeing.

6y ago
April 30, 2018
April 30, 2018

Why we should rethink financial inclusion

The good news is that mobile phones and alternate banking channels such as agent banking are bringing millions of individuals into the formal financial system, meaning they have bank accounts or mobile money account for the first time. This is important because financial inclusion is crucial in helping people save money for emergencies, get loans to start businesses, and ultimately resulting in an improvement in their overall wellbeing.

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