Nestlé launches global initiative to help children lead healthier lives
On the United Nations International Day of Families (15 May), Nestlé announced its global "Nestlé for Healthier Kids" initiative. The programme includes the further development of healthier products and advice for families on nutrition and exercise. It aims at helping 50 million children lead healthier lives by 2030.
With this new initiative, Nestlé is accelerating the transformation of its food and beverage portfolio worldwide. In 2017 alone, the company launched more than 1000 new products to meet the nutritional needs of children. In the same year, it provided 174 billion servings of fortified foods and beverages in 66 countries where people lack essential micronutrients such as iron, iodine and vitamin A.
Nestlé already reformulates around one third of its product portfolio every year. It will use its industry-leading innovation capability to further enhance food and beverages for children with even more fruits, vegetables, fibre-rich grains and micronutrients. Some recent product launches in the different Nestlé markets include GERBER Grabbers Strong Veggies vegetable and fruit purees, NIDO organic milk powder and NESQUIK Alphabet whole grain breakfast cereals with reduced sugar.
By 2020, the company will increase portions of vegetables, fibre-rich grains, pulses, nuts and seeds to its products. Nestlé is also working to reduce saturated fats in all relevant products that do not meet WHO recommendations.
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