4 more tips on meeting manners
Every work week brings with it more meetings, and more stress. We've got some tips for you, so that your life, and your meetings get just a little easier.
1. Food and beverage in meetings: Drinking water or beverages is fine even in professional meetings. However, unless everyone else is eating, it's preferable to have a snack only after the meeting is over. In case of a lunch meeting, the consumption business should be done quietly and without calling attention to yourself.
2. Maintain decorum like you'd do in a classroom: Side-talking, or exchanging notes with other attendees shouldn't be done during meetings, as these are disruptive and also give off the impression that you don't take your job seriously enough to pay close attention.
3. Understand the unwritten speaking rules: If you're being addressed with a question you don't know the answer to, be as straightforward and honest as possible. Not answering at all is better than giving the wrong one.
4. Don't save all your questions for the end: Ask your questions at the appropriate time. You don't want to be that person who decides to ask questions when everyone's getting ready to go.
Eshanee is a junior at IBA, DU. Send her some good vibes at eshanee333@gmail.com.