Almost 74% people warned of this resurgence if nominations continued to be sold off
Reform commissions on the constitution and election process have both recommended measures that increase opportunities for the youth to run for parliament and become more involved in politics, sparking both hope and criticism.
Two reform commissions have proposed changing laws to ensure democracy within political parties and promote transparency and integrity in their financing, including election funding.
Simply put, a two-house parliament provides for better checks and balances, through more discussions and debates.
This apparent error has caused confusion among many.
Eighth grade English for Today includes chapter on Women’s Role in Uprising
The Electoral Reform Commission is likely to refrain from recommending a proportional representation system, ignoring the proposal of most political parties.
Almost 74% people warned of this resurgence if nominations continued to be sold off
Reform commissions on the constitution and election process have both recommended measures that increase opportunities for the youth to run for parliament and become more involved in politics, sparking both hope and criticism.
Two reform commissions have proposed changing laws to ensure democracy within political parties and promote transparency and integrity in their financing, including election funding.
Simply put, a two-house parliament provides for better checks and balances, through more discussions and debates.
This apparent error has caused confusion among many.
The Daily Star analysis of 25 political parties
Eighth grade English for Today includes chapter on Women’s Role in Uprising
The Electoral Reform Commission is likely to refrain from recommending a proportional representation system, ignoring the proposal of most political parties.
The Election Commission has said it will verify the information of the country’s 12.36 crore voters ahead of the next national election -- a decision the BNP terms absurd.
Hannan and Shezan, stood out as voices of defiance and etched their names into text books