Letter from a reader

Dear Ms Laila Karim,
Allow me to thank you for the wonderful articles on plants and everything related to gardening.
My question is in reference to one of your articles printed back in 2015, focusing on creepers on the walls of the RDRS Building, Rangpur. [https://www.thedailystar.net/lifestyle/green-walls-green-living-3501]
I got fascinated with the creepers that you had written about, and was wondering if I can achieve similar results on my net wall. I would also like to know where I can get them, the best time to sow, the ideal space between two plants, and how long they take to grow into mature plants — frankly, everything there is to know.
Looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Shakila Zaman
Email dated 28 November, 2018
Dear Shakila Zaman,
I am delighted to receive a mail on a topic that was addressed almost three years ago! This shows your love for plants, and truth be told, we need more people like you.
Using creepers on the exterior wall is simple, and one of the more affordable methods of adding a touch of green to your home. Creepers that were discussed in the article concerned can easily be grown anywhere; all one needs is a wall!
The plants grow well in summer or monsoon, but if you start now, by the next summer, your wall/s could be covered with beautiful green patches.
The creepers, by nature, are not fast growing, but you can aide in their growth by providing the right environment.
Unfortunately, I have not seen such creepers being sold in any of the popular nurseries here. So, you may need to collect small plants with the roots from someone who already has them on their walls.
You may also take assistance from nursery workers to help you for a small fee. I think this is more practical, for obvious reasons.
The creepers' base is soil. So you must keep a line of soil base to plant the creeper in a row aligned and attached to the walls with access to watering facilities, otherwise, these tiny plants will not be able to survive, grow, and climb over the wall in good pace.
I would suggest you to plant the roots with a space of 9" to 12" distance from each.
Initially, regular watering is a must. Once settled, the roots find their ways and means to grab hold of the walls and expand.
Another important issue is preparing the wall surface, making it friendly for the creepers. A professional civil engineer may be able to help you in this regard. Uneven surfaces (or extra netting over the wall) is required to allow this plant to have its base.
You may wish to also learn about the possible problems, and their remedies from the engineer, as the creepers will create an environment, with a level of moisture, which may become detrimental to the inner walls of your home.
As I mentioned in my earlier article, RDRS has used 'Paulding Plastering Insulation' method to protect the walls from dampness and damage.
PS: You may choose other types of wall creepers like money plants, wild daisies, and fast growing flowering vines for your netted and brick walls.
Readers wishing to contact Laila Karim, for answers regarding gardening, or simply to share their experience with growing greens, can be reached through lifestyleds@yahoo.com
Photo courtesy: Laila Karim