Md Khalequzzaman

Transboundary river flow: The future of Bangladesh depends on it

Bangladesh being the most downstream country in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basins is faced with the double whammy of too much water flowing in transboundary rivers in the rainy season (causing deluge) and too little flow during the lean season (negatively impacting the economy, livelihood, and the ecosystems).

5y ago

Early flash floods in the haor region: A new normal?

A flash flood in early April of 2017 devastated the boro crops in six haor districts that were worth Tk 13,000 crore (Kaler Kantha, July

5y ago

Dhaka's toxic air: A major public health concern

The electronic and press media in Bangladesh has recently been highlighting the findings of the 2018 World Air Quality Report published by Greenpeace and AirVisual. As per this report, Bangladesh has the most polluted air in the world, and Dhaka is the second most polluted capital city.

5y ago

Can the historic High Court judgement save our rivers?

The High Court in Bangladesh delivered a historic judgement on February 3, declaring rivers as legal entity and assigning the National

6y ago
July 18, 2019
July 18, 2019

Transboundary river flow: The future of Bangladesh depends on it

Bangladesh being the most downstream country in the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna basins is faced with the double whammy of too much water flowing in transboundary rivers in the rainy season (causing deluge) and too little flow during the lean season (negatively impacting the economy, livelihood, and the ecosystems).

April 9, 2019
April 9, 2019

Early flash floods in the haor region: A new normal?

A flash flood in early April of 2017 devastated the boro crops in six haor districts that were worth Tk 13,000 crore (Kaler Kantha, July

March 11, 2019
March 11, 2019

Dhaka's toxic air: A major public health concern

The electronic and press media in Bangladesh has recently been highlighting the findings of the 2018 World Air Quality Report published by Greenpeace and AirVisual. As per this report, Bangladesh has the most polluted air in the world, and Dhaka is the second most polluted capital city.

February 5, 2019
February 5, 2019

Can the historic High Court judgement save our rivers?

The High Court in Bangladesh delivered a historic judgement on February 3, declaring rivers as legal entity and assigning the National