
Black But Beautiful

She waits in her ebony grace, ever so silently

For her patience weighs half a life of tragedy,

But she doesn't care, she keeps her gleam

On the blackest of days, on the brightest of dreams.


Her soul fathoms a maternal sadness

Of her greatest loss of her only offspring.

Yet she lives on, life is but a novel for her;

She decides her styles, her stories and her sufferings.


Her outward beauty is all but insanity,

Her soft fur and her silence a vanity,

She is a black cat in its darkest, an overfamiliarity

But she has a strength so beautiful, it surprises humanity.


Because she is black but beautiful,

Loveable but her life, painful,

And she awaits condemning her identity,

For her life is dark but graceful, sided with tranquillity.


Black But Beautiful

She waits in her ebony grace, ever so silently

For her patience weighs half a life of tragedy,

But she doesn't care, she keeps her gleam

On the blackest of days, on the brightest of dreams.


Her soul fathoms a maternal sadness

Of her greatest loss of her only offspring.

Yet she lives on, life is but a novel for her;

She decides her styles, her stories and her sufferings.


Her outward beauty is all but insanity,

Her soft fur and her silence a vanity,

She is a black cat in its darkest, an overfamiliarity

But she has a strength so beautiful, it surprises humanity.


Because she is black but beautiful,

Loveable but her life, painful,

And she awaits condemning her identity,

For her life is dark but graceful, sided with tranquillity.


শক্তিশালী ‘পুলিশ কমিশন’ গঠনের প্রস্তাব আইজিপির

প্রস্তাব অনুযায়ী, পুলিশের শীর্ষস্থানীয় পদগুলোতে নিয়োগ, বদলি, পদোন্নতি ও পুলিশের কর্মকাণ্ড তদারকির দায়িত্বে থাকবে এই কমিশন। এতে করে রাজনৈতিক বিবেচনায় পদোন্নতি ও নিয়োগের পুরোনো সংস্কৃতির অবসান ঘটবে...

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