Often in our lives, we need a fresh perspective in our relationships. Friends and family may not always be available, and you may sometimes dread making that call to someone to discuss deeply personal issues that have been aggravating you for a while. For such problems you might find comfort and solace if not solid advice from the YouTube channel The School of Life which has a playlist called "Relationships" containing 190 videos on the many aspects of this important part of our lives.
If you've ever felt like you don't know how to approach a person or what to do with yourself on dates or just simply feel like you're unable to see something in yourself and others, you can skim through the playlist and it is very likely you'll find the video you're looking for. From videos on simple questions you might've always had such as "Why, how & when to Flirt" to "How to Have a Good Conversation", and frustrating questions you couldn't find answers to such as "The Charms of Unavailable People", "When Your Partner Tries to Stop you Growing"—The School of Life has a ton of videos discussing each of these issues in videos that can be as short as three minutes to as long as ten minutes.

Moreover, not all the videos on that playlist only discuss issues in terms of your relation with others. Some require you to take a look at yourself too such as "Are You Difficult to Love?". This, questioning ourselves and examining our own behaviour, is an important thing many of us forget to do, especially when we feel hurt or betrayed and our attention falls solely on the faults of the other person.
The videos provide recommendations for how to view a personal event through a different lens and tries to make us think differently about the many situations that we encounter in our day-to-day lives. Mentions of the intricacies of our daily lives and the things we've all seen or heard, a neat sectioning of the subtopics that is covered, a clear narration style along with stunning and different styles of illustrations that perfectly complements what is being said in almost every video make these very pleasant to watch.
Even if you're not looking for anything specific, you might still enjoy watching videos on this playlist for they cover topics that might seem odd, somewhat comical, and unusual such as "Existentialism and Dating" and "The Importance of Soft Toys".
Aliza is Matilda resurrected. Reach her at