

If you asked me what I think a writer is, I'd say a writer is someone who can tell tales that are worth listening to, for someone, somewhere, anywhere. Young writers are often overlooked in that regard, their tales deemed less worthy of telling. On SHOUT, young writers of Bangladesh get to express themselves, sometimes with childlike exuberance, often with unexpected maturity. The untold tales of young people is the beautiful space where this magazine operates, and from the privileged position of getting to edit stories and poems written by the youth of Bangladesh every week for Fable Factory, I'm often left in discontent at the amount of stories we can't tell.

Today's issue is a coming together of original, brilliant artwork, both literary and visual, by some of the most talented young individuals out there. It is also a nod to the words left unpublished and unread (other than by me, of course) in SHOUT's inbox.






If you asked me what I think a writer is, I'd say a writer is someone who can tell tales that are worth listening to, for someone, somewhere, anywhere. Young writers are often overlooked in that regard, their tales deemed less worthy of telling. On SHOUT, young writers of Bangladesh get to express themselves, sometimes with childlike exuberance, often with unexpected maturity. The untold tales of young people is the beautiful space where this magazine operates, and from the privileged position of getting to edit stories and poems written by the youth of Bangladesh every week for Fable Factory, I'm often left in discontent at the amount of stories we can't tell.

Today's issue is a coming together of original, brilliant artwork, both literary and visual, by some of the most talented young individuals out there. It is also a nod to the words left unpublished and unread (other than by me, of course) in SHOUT's inbox.



