Prodip Roy

Prodip Roy AALIA (DCP) is Library Officer and Branch Vice-President, National Tertiary Education Union, RMIT University

Libraries will solidify our foundation as a smart nation

Libraries are beacons of ethical and sustainable development, nurturing economic and digital growth, as well as moral and ethical values.

1y ago

School librarians should be given ‘teacher’ status

Bangladesh celebrated National Library Day on February 5, 2021. According to the British Council and the department of public libraries, the day aims to celebrate libraries nationwide to promote library culture at the grassroots level. However, there is a need to discuss National Library Day in relation to school libraries’ connections to national education policy goals and its implications for student success.

4y ago
February 5, 2024
February 5, 2024

Libraries will solidify our foundation as a smart nation

Libraries are beacons of ethical and sustainable development, nurturing economic and digital growth, as well as moral and ethical values.

February 7, 2021
February 7, 2021

School librarians should be given ‘teacher’ status

Bangladesh celebrated National Library Day on February 5, 2021. According to the British Council and the department of public libraries, the day aims to celebrate libraries nationwide to promote library culture at the grassroots level. However, there is a need to discuss National Library Day in relation to school libraries’ connections to national education policy goals and its implications for student success.