Narmin Tartila Banu

The writer is a lecturer at the School of Business and Economics, North South University.

A case for mindful consumption in a mindless era

Traditionally, Bangladeshis have been a sustainability-minded nation, despite the fact that the branding of “sustainability” per se has never really been applied to us.

2y ago

An issue of less importance

Research indicates that children facing abuse at home or exposed to parental alcoholism and dispute are more likely to engage in animal cruelty.

7y ago

The ignorant educated

By containing the education within an academic setting, we are educating students without really educating them. The misdemeanour is a symptom which in a few years is likely to culminate to, amongst other things, violence against household members.

8y ago

Rise of the land of entrepreneurs

The simple answer to the question, “What do you do”, could really make a lot of difference.

8y ago

Sherlock Holmes of the internet

On average, a Bangladeshi digital consumer spends about 5.6 hours every day on social media and browsing the internet, while they spend 1.6 and 2 hours reading newspapers and watching television respectively.

9y ago
March 24, 2022
March 24, 2022

A case for mindful consumption in a mindless era

Traditionally, Bangladeshis have been a sustainability-minded nation, despite the fact that the branding of “sustainability” per se has never really been applied to us.

April 19, 2017
April 19, 2017

An issue of less importance

Research indicates that children facing abuse at home or exposed to parental alcoholism and dispute are more likely to engage in animal cruelty.

November 21, 2016
November 21, 2016

The ignorant educated

By containing the education within an academic setting, we are educating students without really educating them. The misdemeanour is a symptom which in a few years is likely to culminate to, amongst other things, violence against household members.

March 4, 2016
March 4, 2016

Rise of the land of entrepreneurs

The simple answer to the question, “What do you do”, could really make a lot of difference.

January 25, 2016
January 25, 2016

Sherlock Holmes of the internet

On average, a Bangladeshi digital consumer spends about 5.6 hours every day on social media and browsing the internet, while they spend 1.6 and 2 hours reading newspapers and watching television respectively.