
Are brokers stealing money meant for the stock market?

Regular investors of the stock market usually buy their shares from brokerage houses. People usually deposit the money in these houses in good faith to place orders to buy shares. But some brokers have managed to swindle ordinary investors out of their hard-earned money. A lot of people are yet to receive their money properly despite actions taken by the regulatory body. How is this scam being operated? What are the effects of it? How can this scam be stopped?

The Daily Star Reporter Ahsan Habib joins Khondoker Md Shoyeb at the Star Newsroom to discuss the brokerage house fraud.


Are brokers stealing money meant for the stock market?

Regular investors of the stock market usually buy their shares from brokerage houses. People usually deposit the money in these houses in good faith to place orders to buy shares. But some brokers have managed to swindle ordinary investors out of their hard-earned money. A lot of people are yet to receive their money properly despite actions taken by the regulatory body. How is this scam being operated? What are the effects of it? How can this scam be stopped?

The Daily Star Reporter Ahsan Habib joins Khondoker Md Shoyeb at the Star Newsroom to discuss the brokerage house fraud.
