Business Multimedia

Woven garment exports hit record high in Dec 2021

Bangladesh has ramped up its woven garment exports in recent months. The garments industry exported goods worth USD 1.86 billion in woven garments in December 2021 -- the highest recorded amount. From April 2020 to July 2021, woven garments export fell drastically due to the pandemic. How did this export boom start again?

How long can it last? The Daily Star Reporter Refayet Ullah Mirdha joins Khondoker Md Shoyeb in the Star Newsroom to discuss the current export boom of woven garments.


Woven garment exports hit record high in Dec 2021

Bangladesh has ramped up its woven garment exports in recent months. The garments industry exported goods worth USD 1.86 billion in woven garments in December 2021 -- the highest recorded amount. From April 2020 to July 2021, woven garments export fell drastically due to the pandemic. How did this export boom start again?

How long can it last? The Daily Star Reporter Refayet Ullah Mirdha joins Khondoker Md Shoyeb in the Star Newsroom to discuss the current export boom of woven garments.
