Amal Chowdhury

Amal Chowdhury is a research assistant at the Brac James P Grant School of Public Health, Brac University.

More chores for women further tilts the gender gap

"My husband says not to look for work too far from home since I have to do the household work as well and asks me to wait." Mita (not her real name) went on to express her frustration by saying, "If this pandemic hadn't arisen, I would have surplus money to spend on my kids, I would've had a job."

2y ago
May 22, 2022
May 22, 2022

More chores for women further tilts the gender gap

"My husband says not to look for work too far from home since I have to do the household work as well and asks me to wait." Mita (not her real name) went on to express her frustration by saying, "If this pandemic hadn't arisen, I would have surplus money to spend on my kids, I would've had a job."