

The heat this summer is the worst weather I have ever experienced. It reminded me of the hellish descriptions of desert weather in fantasy novels, until I remembered that this is real life. Man-made climate change is impacting our daily lives, and many of us have been too distracted to notice it.

I had a conversation with a friend during the Covid-19 pandemic where we complained about how the world was ending and instead of flying mountains and rivers of lava, we just had the boredom of sitting at home to deal with. While the conversation may have been ironic in nature, the way we were looking at things is how many people view climate change, and that is a problem. The fear attached to destructive floods and devastating cyclones is real, but the reality of climate change will look more like unusually hot summers and unusually cold winters than anything else.

While we buy ACs and clamour for more electricity produced using fossil fuel because the heat (truly) is unbearable, I fear that the climate crisis is not something at the forefront of the collective human consciousness right now. And how is that okay?



The heat this summer is the worst weather I have ever experienced. It reminded me of the hellish descriptions of desert weather in fantasy novels, until I remembered that this is real life. Man-made climate change is impacting our daily lives, and many of us have been too distracted to notice it.

I had a conversation with a friend during the Covid-19 pandemic where we complained about how the world was ending and instead of flying mountains and rivers of lava, we just had the boredom of sitting at home to deal with. While the conversation may have been ironic in nature, the way we were looking at things is how many people view climate change, and that is a problem. The fear attached to destructive floods and devastating cyclones is real, but the reality of climate change will look more like unusually hot summers and unusually cold winters than anything else.

While we buy ACs and clamour for more electricity produced using fossil fuel because the heat (truly) is unbearable, I fear that the climate crisis is not something at the forefront of the collective human consciousness right now. And how is that okay?


পালিয়ে যাওয়া শেখ হাসিনার বিচারের বিষয়ে সবাই ঐক্যবদ্ধ থাকুন: তারেক রহমান

তিনি বলেন, শেখ হাসিনাকে বিচারের আওতায় আনতে হবে। তাকে কোনোভাবে ছেড়ে দেওয়া যাবে না।

৫২ মিনিট আগে