Life & Living

Remembering Cheems: The dog who brought joy to the world

Cheems Doge
Photo: Collected

It's a rare and cherished occurrence when a furry friend becomes more than just a pet. They become a symbol of happiness, a source of laughter, and a universal icon. In this digital age, one such canine sensation emerged, capturing our collective affection with an endearing quirkiness that could melt even the iciest of online hearts. As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and sadly, that time has come for Balltze, better known as Cheems – the viral 'Doge' dog.

The story of Cheems began in 2017 when this lovable Shiba Inu with a penchant for cheeseburgers, affectionately known as 'cheemsburgers' in the meme world, made his first appearance. His perpetually quizzical expression and the sheer delight he seemed to take in life's simplest pleasures endeared him to millions.

The internet embraced Cheems with open arms, just as it had done with his predecessor, 17-year-old Shiba Inu Kabosu, who famously became the face of Dogecoin. But little did we know that Cheems would become a phenomenon in his own right.

On a sombre Friday morning, Cheems underwent surgery. It was a moment that left us all hoping for the best, but the outcome was heartbreaking. Cheems, also known affectionately as Ball Ball, had to say his final goodbye.

In a statement filled with sentiments posted on Instagram, his owner shared the painful news, recounting the brave pup's battle against illness during the six months leading up to this fateful day.

"Ball Ball fell asleep on 18/8... He fell asleep on Friday morning during his last thoracentesis surgery. Originally, we wanted to arrange chemotherapy or other possible treatment for him after this operation, but it is too late now," the statement read.

Even in the midst of their grief, Cheems' owner urged their 768,000 followers not to be sad. Instead, it was encouraged to remember the joy that Balltze had brought into everyone's lives.

"A Shiba Inu with a round smiling face connecting you and me, he has helped many people during the pandemic and brought a lot of joy to many of you, but now his mission has been completed," they expressed. "I believe he is running freely in the sky and having a lot of delicious food with his new friends. He will always be in my heart. I hope he can continue to bring joy to everyone in the online world; that's my only humble request."

The outpouring of affection and support from fans in the aftermath of Cheems' death was overwhelming. His owner took a minute to thank the medical staff who had fought alongside them during Cheems' sickness. They also thanked the creative brains who created memes and the countless followers who had been a part of Cheems' journey since the beginning.

"You have all been very generous and helpful, and I am truly grateful to you all. Your unwavering love and support for Ball Ball is the purest love in the world, in my opinion. Ball Ball is the nicest thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you, everyone, thank you. Balltze knows how much he was loved by all of you" they said.

The money earned from Cheems' product sales for his medical care will now be donated to animal organisations as a memorial to Cheems and to respect this extraordinary pup's memory. It serves as evidence of the significant influence Cheems had on society—an impact that extended beyond simple smiles and laughter. Cheems, the 'Doge' dog, served as a timely reminder that even in the digital era when the lines between the real and the virtual are sometimes blurred. Love, joy, and compassion have the capacity to reach beyond screens and touch our hearts.

Cheems Doge 1
Photo: Colected


Remembering Cheems: The dog who brought joy to the world

Cheems Doge
Photo: Collected

It's a rare and cherished occurrence when a furry friend becomes more than just a pet. They become a symbol of happiness, a source of laughter, and a universal icon. In this digital age, one such canine sensation emerged, capturing our collective affection with an endearing quirkiness that could melt even the iciest of online hearts. As the saying goes, all good things must come to an end, and sadly, that time has come for Balltze, better known as Cheems – the viral 'Doge' dog.

The story of Cheems began in 2017 when this lovable Shiba Inu with a penchant for cheeseburgers, affectionately known as 'cheemsburgers' in the meme world, made his first appearance. His perpetually quizzical expression and the sheer delight he seemed to take in life's simplest pleasures endeared him to millions.

The internet embraced Cheems with open arms, just as it had done with his predecessor, 17-year-old Shiba Inu Kabosu, who famously became the face of Dogecoin. But little did we know that Cheems would become a phenomenon in his own right.

On a sombre Friday morning, Cheems underwent surgery. It was a moment that left us all hoping for the best, but the outcome was heartbreaking. Cheems, also known affectionately as Ball Ball, had to say his final goodbye.

In a statement filled with sentiments posted on Instagram, his owner shared the painful news, recounting the brave pup's battle against illness during the six months leading up to this fateful day.

"Ball Ball fell asleep on 18/8... He fell asleep on Friday morning during his last thoracentesis surgery. Originally, we wanted to arrange chemotherapy or other possible treatment for him after this operation, but it is too late now," the statement read.

Even in the midst of their grief, Cheems' owner urged their 768,000 followers not to be sad. Instead, it was encouraged to remember the joy that Balltze had brought into everyone's lives.

"A Shiba Inu with a round smiling face connecting you and me, he has helped many people during the pandemic and brought a lot of joy to many of you, but now his mission has been completed," they expressed. "I believe he is running freely in the sky and having a lot of delicious food with his new friends. He will always be in my heart. I hope he can continue to bring joy to everyone in the online world; that's my only humble request."

The outpouring of affection and support from fans in the aftermath of Cheems' death was overwhelming. His owner took a minute to thank the medical staff who had fought alongside them during Cheems' sickness. They also thanked the creative brains who created memes and the countless followers who had been a part of Cheems' journey since the beginning.

"You have all been very generous and helpful, and I am truly grateful to you all. Your unwavering love and support for Ball Ball is the purest love in the world, in my opinion. Ball Ball is the nicest thing that has ever happened to me. Thank you, everyone, thank you. Balltze knows how much he was loved by all of you" they said.

The money earned from Cheems' product sales for his medical care will now be donated to animal organisations as a memorial to Cheems and to respect this extraordinary pup's memory. It serves as evidence of the significant influence Cheems had on society—an impact that extended beyond simple smiles and laughter. Cheems, the 'Doge' dog, served as a timely reminder that even in the digital era when the lines between the real and the virtual are sometimes blurred. Love, joy, and compassion have the capacity to reach beyond screens and touch our hearts.

Cheems Doge 1
Photo: Colected


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