Mehereen Aziz

Into the bloom

Seasonal fashion isn't always about wearing wool in winter and linens in summer. With the change in seasons, we see the dominance of some colours and prints over others. And what could be more synonymous with spring than floral prints?

9y ago

Why you should care about Fair Trade

Have you ever thought about where the products you use everyday come from?

9y ago

At your service

Many businesses forget that human interaction is the foundation of all institutions. Individuals make a family unit which collectively creates a neighbourhood which then builds a town and so on and so forth till nations come into being forming the world that we inhabit today.

9y ago

The rise of female travellers

The world today is becoming a more travel-friendly place. Societies are encouraging people to “go out there and explore.”

9y ago

MODERN deshi

The Bengali belle is no longer walking down a street lined by hasnahena trees, as poetry will have you believe; today, she is not only a wife and mother, but an intellectual entity, an artist, an entrepreneur, an officer.

9y ago
March 17, 2015
March 17, 2015

Into the bloom

Seasonal fashion isn't always about wearing wool in winter and linens in summer. With the change in seasons, we see the dominance of some colours and prints over others. And what could be more synonymous with spring than floral prints?

March 11, 2015
March 11, 2015

Why you should care about Fair Trade

Have you ever thought about where the products you use everyday come from?

March 11, 2015
March 11, 2015

At your service

Many businesses forget that human interaction is the foundation of all institutions. Individuals make a family unit which collectively creates a neighbourhood which then builds a town and so on and so forth till nations come into being forming the world that we inhabit today.

March 3, 2015
March 3, 2015

MODERN deshi

The Bengali belle is no longer walking down a street lined by hasnahena trees, as poetry will have you believe; today, she is not only a wife and mother, but an intellectual entity, an artist, an entrepreneur, an officer.

March 3, 2015
March 3, 2015

The rise of female travellers

The world today is becoming a more travel-friendly place. Societies are encouraging people to “go out there and explore.”