
Body types: Ectomorph

Body type plays a major role in influencing how you respond to diet and training regimes. The better you know your body, the easier it is to attain the physical target you want your body to achieve. There are three basic body types and they'll be discussed in the coming weeks.

The ectomorph is our typical skinny person who seems to eat and eat but never gets fat. Ectos have a small build with a small skeletal structure, high metabolic rate and lean muscle mass. They lose fat very easily but find it difficult to gain muscle mass. They lose muscle slower than other groups too. They require a large calorie intake coupled with short intense workout sessions which focuses on big muscle groups. Inclusion of vitamin supplements in diet is highly recommended.



Body types: Ectomorph

Body type plays a major role in influencing how you respond to diet and training regimes. The better you know your body, the easier it is to attain the physical target you want your body to achieve. There are three basic body types and they'll be discussed in the coming weeks.

The ectomorph is our typical skinny person who seems to eat and eat but never gets fat. Ectos have a small build with a small skeletal structure, high metabolic rate and lean muscle mass. They lose fat very easily but find it difficult to gain muscle mass. They lose muscle slower than other groups too. They require a large calorie intake coupled with short intense workout sessions which focuses on big muscle groups. Inclusion of vitamin supplements in diet is highly recommended.


‘রন্ধ্রে রন্ধ্রে সুশীলতা দিনশেষে আমাদের কাল হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে’

‘বর্তমান সরকারের এ ধরনের দয়াপরবশ হয়ে ফ্যাসিস্ট আওয়ামী লীগের নেতাকর্মীদের বিচার কার্যকর করতে স্বেচ্ছায় বিলম্ব করা জুলাই গণঅভ্যুত্থানের সাথে অপমানের শামিল।’

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