Dr. Mohammed Farashuddin

Black money and undisclosed income: The Bangladesh context

Money that does not circulate in the open is suspect—either it is outright black money or an accumulation of undisclosed income. The two are very different.

3y ago

GDP growth, monetary policy and inflation: reality check

Bangladesh Bank is going to announce the July-December monetary policy statement next week. This is the first policy stance under

8y ago

Sonar Bangla and Sustainable Human Development

The Finance Minister is going to place the Budget for the year 2015-16 before the Parliament on June 4, 2015. This budget marks a

9y ago
August 4, 2021
August 4, 2021

Black money and undisclosed income: The Bangladesh context

Money that does not circulate in the open is suspect—either it is outright black money or an accumulation of undisclosed income. The two are very different.

July 22, 2016
July 22, 2016

GDP growth, monetary policy and inflation: reality check

Bangladesh Bank is going to announce the July-December monetary policy statement next week. This is the first policy stance under

May 24, 2015
May 24, 2015

Sonar Bangla and Sustainable Human Development

The Finance Minister is going to place the Budget for the year 2015-16 before the Parliament on June 4, 2015. This budget marks a

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