
Spooky scale models

Photo: E. R. Ronny

Supernatural is a series about two brothers that fight ghosts, ghouls and demented angels to stop them from destroying the world. Often these vengeful beings are in the shape of very beautiful women. That might be a good reason why the series is in it's tenth season and slated to have two more. But another reason is that the brothers do all that they do while riding around in a super cool black '67 Chevrolet Impala. The series is action packed so is the car. And Greenlight has recently released a special commemorative set of four cars two of which are those specific Impalas. It comes in a lovely tin case like old-school movie film canisters. But the cars are just as cool if not more. Do you need to be a Supernatural fan to enjoy this? Nope. Watch our online section on collectibles this weekend for more.


Check our site, for the full piece. 



Spooky scale models

Photo: E. R. Ronny

Supernatural is a series about two brothers that fight ghosts, ghouls and demented angels to stop them from destroying the world. Often these vengeful beings are in the shape of very beautiful women. That might be a good reason why the series is in it's tenth season and slated to have two more. But another reason is that the brothers do all that they do while riding around in a super cool black '67 Chevrolet Impala. The series is action packed so is the car. And Greenlight has recently released a special commemorative set of four cars two of which are those specific Impalas. It comes in a lovely tin case like old-school movie film canisters. But the cars are just as cool if not more. Do you need to be a Supernatural fan to enjoy this? Nope. Watch our online section on collectibles this weekend for more.


Check our site, for the full piece. 


সংস্কার ছাড়া নির্বাচন হলে রাষ্ট্রের গুণগত পরিবর্তন হবে না: নাহিদ

তিনি বলেন, ‘সরকারি চাকরিতে যোগ্যতা অনুযায়ী পদোন্নতি হওয়া উচিত। এর পাশাপাশি সরকারি কর্মকর্তা-কর্মচারীদের কর্মমূল্যায়ন পদ্ধতিরও সংস্কারের প্রয়োজন।’

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