Special Read

Tiger becomes friends with his lunch

What is the best way to avoid getting eaten? Well this genius goat unraveled the answer his ancestors were looking for. Timur the goat, became Amur, the Siberian tiger's friend instead of his dinner.

The friendship blossomed in Primorsky Safari Park in Russia, where Timur was originally intended to be a live meal for Amur, reports Mashable.

However, it seems that upon being released in Amur's enclosure, Timur immediately took charge.

Timur chased Amur out of his sleeping area and established himself as a dominant force to be reckoned with. Since then, Amur has taken to sleeping on the roof while Timur snoozes in his bed.

Just goes to show: Sometimes confidence can compensate for sharp claws.



Tiger becomes friends with his lunch

What is the best way to avoid getting eaten? Well this genius goat unraveled the answer his ancestors were looking for. Timur the goat, became Amur, the Siberian tiger's friend instead of his dinner.

The friendship blossomed in Primorsky Safari Park in Russia, where Timur was originally intended to be a live meal for Amur, reports Mashable.

However, it seems that upon being released in Amur's enclosure, Timur immediately took charge.

Timur chased Amur out of his sleeping area and established himself as a dominant force to be reckoned with. Since then, Amur has taken to sleeping on the roof while Timur snoozes in his bed.

Just goes to show: Sometimes confidence can compensate for sharp claws.



৪ দফা দাবিতে ম্যাটস শিক্ষার্থীদের অবস্থান কর্মসূচি, না মানলে আমরণ অনশন

‘যে পুলিশগুলো আমাদের ওপর অতর্কিত হামলা চালিয়েছে, তারাই ফ্যাসিস্ট হাসিনার সময়ে বৈষম্যবিরোধী শিক্ষার্থীদের ওপর হামলা ও গুলি চালিয়েছিল।’

৭ ঘণ্টা আগে