
Militants giving bomb recipes on blog!

A screenshot of a blog of a militant blog description how to make bomb. We blurred the name of the blog and the process of bomb making.
A screenshot of a blog of a militant blog description how to make bomb. We blurred the name of the blog and the process of bomb making.

Militants have taken their activities to a whole new level in Bangladesh, distributing bomb making manuals online and spreading their propaganda to millions worldwide.

And, with the authorities in the dark regarding this matter, it makes blogs a safe haven for militants to pursue their cause and thus setting a death trap for the society's free thinkers.

The Daily Star Online found a Bangla blog (we are withholding the name as not to give it any circulation), where contents like 'How to make bombs at your kitchen' are made available by anonymous writers.

It accompanies files which contain illustrated and detailed process of making bombs using the common kitchen materials which are easily accessible at average households in Bangladesh.

The Daily Star Online has obtained a copy of the illustrations and the document.

All the writings and contents of the website were in Bangla language – apparently for spreading the message to mass people in the country's native tongue.

Though the website was more than a month old, authorities of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) said they knew nothing of this website.

Brought to notice, a highly placed official at BTRC said that they, along with law enforcement agencies, are continuously on the alert for cracking down such activities.

But even as militancy on the online platform goes noticed little, the militants are constantly on the vigil against the free thinkers – recent killings of blogger and writer Avijit Roy and blogger and online activist Oyasiqur Rahman prove it very well.

Roy was hacked to death and his wife seriously injured in Dhaka University area on February 26. Allegations were that militants were behind the killing.

Barely a month after the grisly attack, Rahman was stabbed dead in broad daylight in Tejgaon area. Two people arrested in the connection confessed their involvement, saying they were working under orders from militants, according to police.


Militants giving bomb recipes on blog!

A screenshot of a blog of a militant blog description how to make bomb. We blurred the name of the blog and the process of bomb making.
A screenshot of a blog of a militant blog description how to make bomb. We blurred the name of the blog and the process of bomb making.

Militants have taken their activities to a whole new level in Bangladesh, distributing bomb making manuals online and spreading their propaganda to millions worldwide.

And, with the authorities in the dark regarding this matter, it makes blogs a safe haven for militants to pursue their cause and thus setting a death trap for the society's free thinkers.

The Daily Star Online found a Bangla blog (we are withholding the name as not to give it any circulation), where contents like 'How to make bombs at your kitchen' are made available by anonymous writers.

It accompanies files which contain illustrated and detailed process of making bombs using the common kitchen materials which are easily accessible at average households in Bangladesh.

The Daily Star Online has obtained a copy of the illustrations and the document.

All the writings and contents of the website were in Bangla language – apparently for spreading the message to mass people in the country's native tongue.

Though the website was more than a month old, authorities of Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) said they knew nothing of this website.

Brought to notice, a highly placed official at BTRC said that they, along with law enforcement agencies, are continuously on the alert for cracking down such activities.

But even as militancy on the online platform goes noticed little, the militants are constantly on the vigil against the free thinkers – recent killings of blogger and writer Avijit Roy and blogger and online activist Oyasiqur Rahman prove it very well.

Roy was hacked to death and his wife seriously injured in Dhaka University area on February 26. Allegations were that militants were behind the killing.

Barely a month after the grisly attack, Rahman was stabbed dead in broad daylight in Tejgaon area. Two people arrested in the connection confessed their involvement, saying they were working under orders from militants, according to police.


প্রতি বছর কমছে আড়াই হাজার হেক্টর চাষযোগ্য জমি: কৃষি অধিদপ্তর

বাংলাদেশে প্রতি বছর প্রায় আড়াই থেকে তিন হাজার হেক্টর চাষযোগ্য জমি রূপান্তরিত হচ্ছে এবং অকৃষি কাজে ব্যবহার করা হচ্ছে।

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