Every time a Western consumer walks into the store and checks the manufacturing source, they don’t question the quality, but the ethical integrity of the product.
Business associations have been subjected to an endless game of masquerade where garlands, pictures and faces changed with the direction of the political wind.
Although we have the Graffiti Writing and Poster Sticking Control Act, 2012 to prevent visual pollution, nothing much has been done to implement it. Why, though?
Politics 101 today runs the risk of being solely authored by autocrats from all over the world.
Eating less and battling calories have been pains of the highest order. But little do we know that our minds have everything to do with our appetite.
Instead of better governance and practices yielding better returns, most US companies emphasise 'value' over 'values.'
The RMG sector needs to be united in being professional, go forward with value addition and, most of all, opt for strong industrial relations with labour.
Let the truth be known: no one has any idea what’s going to happen to Bangladeshi politics.
Chittagong airport is small in size. So it's easy to spot someone special. A tiny, 'special' woman was holding a placard in her hand...
A forty-six page report is supposed to be impressive. An educated guess would indicate that there are at least twenty thousand words in there...
Long ago, an essay on cow was the easiest challenge of a primary examination. We were always given hints on what to write in case we chose to attempt such a “common” essay.
There are many quakes that rock us on a daily basis. As a nation, we are hardly allowed to be at ease.