‘Work together to solve development challenges’

US Ambassador in Dhaka Marcia Bernicat today urged women in Bangladesh to work together to solve the development challenges.
“Your (women) voice matters and we look to you to break political barriers and work together to help solve the development challenges that affect all Bangladeshis,” the US ambassador said at a programme in the capital’s Lakeshore Hotel.
The US government, through USAID’s Strengthening Political Landscape activity, or SPL, is working with parties across the political spectrum to strengthen youth and women’s leadership, and foster inclusive politics, a US embassy press release reads quoting Bernicat.
“Inclusivity is key,” she saidat the US Agency for International Development programme adding “we work together to build a more free and more inclusive democracy in Bangladesh.”
Bernicat was speaking on‘ Advancing Women Leadership and Participation for Inclusive Elections’ at the programme.
HT Imam, advisor to the prime minister, KM Nurul Huda, chief election commissioner,Dr Hasan Mahmud Chowdhury, Awami League lawmaker, BNP leaders Amir Khoshru, Dr Abdul Moyeen Khan, and government officials were present at the programme among others.
“Despite some noteworthy achievements and some very prominent and impressive individual women leaders, women remain largely absent from decision-making positions in political parties and as elected representatives,” she said.
The full participation of women in the electoral process has been discouraged by a number of factors, including by the practices of Islamic political parties that have zero female representatives in their ranks; restrictive social and religious expectations; and gender-based and political violence, she added.