Rising Stars

Annoying your parents into buying your first phone

Illustration: Syeda Afrin Tarannum

Getting a phone for the first time is like being an alien from a different planet and finally finding the means to connect with the rest of the universe. Now imagine having to convince your parents that it really is necessary to be able to connect with the outer world, and them failing to understand. How frustrating! Actions must be taken!

Convincing your parents to get you a phone might seem like a daunting feat. My parents initially did not want me to get my own phone before I turned eighteen. It was only after I ended up missing a few coaching classes because I had no way to communicate with my teacher or my friends about schedule changes that they finally gave in.

A good first step is to list out the reasons you need a phone. Make sure the reasons sound convincing, even if they are made up. A good example is the need to communicate with them in case of an emergency. Another example is the need to access Google Classroom and getting instant notifications about study materials and schedule changes — you would want to mention this if you want to avoid being given a button phone. "Communicating with friends" may be a valid reason but it can't be the primary one.

There are also things you would definitely want to avoid saying. Do NOT compare. Don't say "Fahim's parents got them a phone!" — your parents hate being compared to other parents the same way you hate being compared to your classmates.

The next step is to present your reasons. But before that, make sure they are in the best possible mood. Consider doing those chores you never do, or getting up early and making them breakfast. Make sure you don't wreck the kitchen, however, as that might do more harm than good. You could also wait to get some good grades in an exam and showing them the results before broaching the topic. If you can't get good grades in an exam, maybe you don't need a phone.

After that, present all the reasons you listed out earlier, use PowerPoint or Google Slides if you think that might work. Don't panic, just remember that they're your parents and they will love you no matter what. If they aren't convinced, don't get mad. Think of more reasons and try again in a week or two.

Saif Sammi Rahat is a student of SFX Green Herald School.


Annoying your parents into buying your first phone

Illustration: Syeda Afrin Tarannum

Getting a phone for the first time is like being an alien from a different planet and finally finding the means to connect with the rest of the universe. Now imagine having to convince your parents that it really is necessary to be able to connect with the outer world, and them failing to understand. How frustrating! Actions must be taken!

Convincing your parents to get you a phone might seem like a daunting feat. My parents initially did not want me to get my own phone before I turned eighteen. It was only after I ended up missing a few coaching classes because I had no way to communicate with my teacher or my friends about schedule changes that they finally gave in.

A good first step is to list out the reasons you need a phone. Make sure the reasons sound convincing, even if they are made up. A good example is the need to communicate with them in case of an emergency. Another example is the need to access Google Classroom and getting instant notifications about study materials and schedule changes — you would want to mention this if you want to avoid being given a button phone. "Communicating with friends" may be a valid reason but it can't be the primary one.

There are also things you would definitely want to avoid saying. Do NOT compare. Don't say "Fahim's parents got them a phone!" — your parents hate being compared to other parents the same way you hate being compared to your classmates.

The next step is to present your reasons. But before that, make sure they are in the best possible mood. Consider doing those chores you never do, or getting up early and making them breakfast. Make sure you don't wreck the kitchen, however, as that might do more harm than good. You could also wait to get some good grades in an exam and showing them the results before broaching the topic. If you can't get good grades in an exam, maybe you don't need a phone.

After that, present all the reasons you listed out earlier, use PowerPoint or Google Slides if you think that might work. Don't panic, just remember that they're your parents and they will love you no matter what. If they aren't convinced, don't get mad. Think of more reasons and try again in a week or two.

Saif Sammi Rahat is a student of SFX Green Herald School.
