UNSC vows to help in Rohingya repatriation

The UN Security Council is committed to help expedite the implementation of the Rohingya repatriation agreement signed between Bangladesh and Myanmar, a member of the visiting UNSC delegation said today.
"The message we are conveying to Myanmar, to the refugees and to the rest of the world is that we are determined to find a solution of this crisis," Mansour Ayyad Al-Otaib, the permanent representative of Kuwait to the UN, told journalists at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport in Dhaka before living Bangladesh for Myanmar.
The delegation left for Myanmar capital after the briefing around 12:50pm.
The UNSC delegation yesterday visited the Rohingya camps in Cox's Bazar and saw the plight of the refugees. Today, the team will visit Myanmar to see the refugee crisis from the other side of the Bangladesh border.
Over 700,000 Rohingyas fled Myanmar since August 25 last year amid a military crackdown.
"This will remain our top priority issue when we will go back to New York," Al-Otaib said adding that they will try to explore ways and means to solve the problem quickly," Al-Otaib said.
In reply to a query about the role of China and Russia in this regard, the UNSC team said that the two countries have no bar to work on it.
The delegation members said they do not see any resistance from any party and all the UNSC members are with Bangladesh.
They highly appreciated Bangladesh for its generosity saying Bangladesh opened its door and heart for the Rohingyas.
They also said the international community is standing beside Bangladesh over the Rohingya issue.
Peru's Ambassador to the UN and delegation leader Gustavo Adolfo Meza Cuadra Velasqez, United Kingdom's Permanent Representative to the United Nations Karen Pierce and Permanent Representative of the State of Kuwait to the United Nations Mansour Ayyad Al-Otaibi spoke at the press conference.
The delegation includes permanent representative of the UK and deputy permanent representatives of the US, Russia, France and China, all permanent member states of the UNSC.
The rest are permanent representatives of Bolivia, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Netherlands, Peru, Poland and Sweden. There was no representative from Ivory Coast as the permanent representative of the country passed away recently.
UN officials from Switzerland, Jordan, Egypt, US, Trinidad and Tobago and Barbados are also with the delegation.
The delegates from permanent UNSC member states are: Haltao Wu, DPR of China; Anne Christine Marie Gueguen, DPR of France; Dmitry Polyanskiy, First DPR of Russian Federation; Kelley Anne Eckeis-Currie, DPR of the USA; Karen Elizabeth Roxburgh, PR of the UK.
Other member of the delegation are: Sacha Sergio LlorenttySoliz, PR of Bolivia; AnatolloNdongMba, PR of Equatorial Guinea; Takeda Alemu, PR of Ethiopia; KairatUmarov, PR of Kazakhstan; Mansour Ayyad Al-Otaib, PR of Kuwait; Lise Huberta Johanna Van Haaren, DPR of Netherlands; Gustavo Adolfo Meza CuadraVelasqez, PR of Peru; Joanna Wronecka, PR of Poland; Bjom Olof Skoog, PR of Sweden.
The visiting UN officials are: Claudia Angela Banz of Switzerland, Nesrin Said Amin Hannoun of Jordan, Ahmed Mohamed Abdel Wahab RHB Feshawl of Egypt, Nabi ShafikAwad of the USA, Miranda Camillelucy Moses of Trinidad and Tobago, Igro Anson Gill of Barbados, Jung Hawan Lee of the USA, David Michael Kinna of the UK, Luis Amadeo Solari Antonia of Peru, and Kuwait counsellor S SS Alfassam Talal.