Rooppur Power Plant: Unloading of key machines begins at Mongla Port

Authorities started unloading a nuclear reactor and a steam generator -- key components of the first unit of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant -- at jetty number 9 of Mongla Port in Bagerhat today.
Rear Admiral M Shahjahan, Chairman, Mongla Port Authority confirmed the development to our local correspondent.
A ship carrying the equipment reached Mongla Port from Russia around 4:00pm yesterday.
The ship carrying the VVER-1200 reactor pressure vessel and the steam generator left for Bangladesh on August 20. The components were manufactured at the "Atommash" plant in Volgodonsk, the largest nuclear engineering production site in Russia.
Today, Chairman Rear Admiral M Shahjahan said the project officials are sending the equipment of Rooppur Nuclear Power Plant to the construction site in Pabna's Ishwardi upazila by road and waterway.
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