Assistant manager who threatened to resign 7 times made assistant deputy manager

An assistant manager in a local corporation has broken records by threatening to quit his position seven times in one day if he wasn't given a promotion.
Sources within the corporation say that after intense negotiations, the assistant manager was finally given the new title of "Assistant Deputy Manager".
Atto Shomman Talukder, an old-timer who has been at Patriotism Inc, the country's oldest business entity, since the 1980s, had been causing disturbance for some time ahead of the AGM (annual general meeting). While his time at the helm of the company came to an end in the beginning of the 1990s, he has been an influential figure within the organisation ever since.
The company leadership, led by Managing Director Batman Bin Superman, has ensured stability and prosperity for Patriotism Inc for the last two decades. Members of the Bin Superman clan have involved themselves at various levels of operation at the company, but as the family has grown over the years, there have been less and less roles to assign to the family members.
In the last AGM, the leadership considered sidelining stalwarts like Atto Shomman Talukder to make space for the young and upcoming professionals of the Bin Superman family, but Atto Shomman Talukder threatened to quit the company then and start his own business if he was sidelined. The leadership budged at this, and kept him on as Assistant Manager.
At this year's AGM, however, the leadership was under even more pressure to make space for various members of the Bin Superman family. On the other hand, Atto Shomman Talukder had also began agitating as he claimed he was due for a promotion, and resurfaced his old threat to quit and start a competing company. According to him, he had served for many years and it was time they gave him a more important role within the company.
For at least a month leading up to the AGM, there was palpable tension in the offices of Patriotism Inc, and on the last day of negotiations, Atto Shomman Talukder drafted and submitted his resignation at least seven times. On each occasion, he was appeased with the promises of discussions, while company leadership maintained among themselves and the press that no promotions were available.
However, at the last moment, when it seemed like no compromise was possible, Batman Bin Superman, the company MD, stepped in and offered Atto Shomman Talukder the position of assistant deputy manager.
While it is unclear if this is a real position or if it involves any real perks and salary raises, Atto Shomman Talukder has accepted this promotion and stayed on in Patriotism Inc for another year. The Bin Superman family will hope that this compromise will be enough to ensure continued stability and prosperity of their family business.