
Dhaka bikers block entrance/exit to city roads as symbol of protest

Yesterday, an ambulance could not get onto the expressway ramp near Tejgaon because motorcyclists were blocking the road on the left as traffic came to a slow crawl. A resulting verbal altercation led to a scuffle among several bikers and the ambulance driver.  

The motorcyclists refused to give way even though they are not allowed to ride on the expressway. Several people were hurt but luckily there was an ambulance right there.

The Transport, Roads and Potholes (TRAP) authority has spent crores on surveys and studies in Singapore, Germany and Sweden to find out the cause and solution of such congestion. After many studies conducted, it is conclusively found that motorcyclists cause 52 percent to 96 percent of all city congestion.

Two studies pointed at displaced goats walking along the roads. Most studies though concluded it was due to motorcyclists finding small gaps and filling up those small gaps like plastic cups on an open manhole after rain.

Speaking to several motorcyclists, our reporter found that the cause of congestion was a cause in itself.

"We are protesting the genocidal war by blocking roads," stated Abdul Akhtar, a bike sharing operator. "If you feel terrible then imagine how people elsewhere are feeling. Terrible, right?"

He quickly found a gap onto a walkway and moved on.

Yet another biker stated that he was protesting rising prices of onions. "It makes me cry," said a tearful Shamim Sobhan.

We asked our reporter to talk to motorcyclists near Bijoy Shoroni if they felt any different. It looked like they were blocking the entire left side of the road trying to find a space so they could go a few inches forward.

But they assured us this was not a normal lane violation. They were protesting many things. They want their voices heard over the loud exhaust notes.

"We are using this as a change agent, same way we are boycotting cola drinks to stop the war," explained a hot and flustered Nabin Hasan.

"It works," he added.

More motorcyclists were seen joining this cause by completely blocking the road. Their protest also included a protest against car owners honking to get onto the expressway and to run more Jaya Ahsan photoshoots.


Dhaka bikers block entrance/exit to city roads as symbol of protest

Yesterday, an ambulance could not get onto the expressway ramp near Tejgaon because motorcyclists were blocking the road on the left as traffic came to a slow crawl. A resulting verbal altercation led to a scuffle among several bikers and the ambulance driver.  

The motorcyclists refused to give way even though they are not allowed to ride on the expressway. Several people were hurt but luckily there was an ambulance right there.

The Transport, Roads and Potholes (TRAP) authority has spent crores on surveys and studies in Singapore, Germany and Sweden to find out the cause and solution of such congestion. After many studies conducted, it is conclusively found that motorcyclists cause 52 percent to 96 percent of all city congestion.

Two studies pointed at displaced goats walking along the roads. Most studies though concluded it was due to motorcyclists finding small gaps and filling up those small gaps like plastic cups on an open manhole after rain.

Speaking to several motorcyclists, our reporter found that the cause of congestion was a cause in itself.

"We are protesting the genocidal war by blocking roads," stated Abdul Akhtar, a bike sharing operator. "If you feel terrible then imagine how people elsewhere are feeling. Terrible, right?"

He quickly found a gap onto a walkway and moved on.

Yet another biker stated that he was protesting rising prices of onions. "It makes me cry," said a tearful Shamim Sobhan.

We asked our reporter to talk to motorcyclists near Bijoy Shoroni if they felt any different. It looked like they were blocking the entire left side of the road trying to find a space so they could go a few inches forward.

But they assured us this was not a normal lane violation. They were protesting many things. They want their voices heard over the loud exhaust notes.

"We are using this as a change agent, same way we are boycotting cola drinks to stop the war," explained a hot and flustered Nabin Hasan.

"It works," he added.

More motorcyclists were seen joining this cause by completely blocking the road. Their protest also included a protest against car owners honking to get onto the expressway and to run more Jaya Ahsan photoshoots.


দুপুরে গাজীপুরে বৈষম্যবিরোধী ছাত্র আন্দোলনের বিক্ষোভ সমাবেশ

আজ শনিবার ভোররাত ৪টার দিকে বৈষম্যবিরোধী ছাত্র আন্দোলনের ফেসবুক পেইজে এক পোস্টের মাধ্যমে এ কর্মসূচি ঘোষণা করা হয়।

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