Published on 12:00 AM, November 26, 2022

New parents lose it after hearing ‘wait until you become grandparents’


A couple took to social media recently to vent their immense frustration after one of their parents one-upped them out of the blue about how to raise their newborn, and told them how the grandparent knew better. 

"All my life I have been hearing that I don't know much about life," said Rahima in a post on Facebook.  "Whenever I got into an argument with my mother or father, they always had the trump card up their sleeve. They always came up with 'You may think you are right now, but wait till you become a mother. You will know then that you were wrong'."

Rahima's husband, Shumon, had a post of his own.

"I think the reason we had a baby was to stop this kind of talk. I mean, now we are parents, so we know what's what, right? WRONG!

"Two days ago, my mother was asking me to put three layers on my 4-month-old son when my wife and I were taking him to the park. But it was 30 degrees outside and the sun was beating down. When I said I wouldn't, and that I knew in what kind of attire my son was most comfortable, she wouldn't speak to me for three days.

"When I finally got her to speak, she said, 'It's okay son, you will know better when you have grandchildren'. What?? WHAT!? So, basically I'll have to wait 30 more years to finally have one over my parents?"

Over on Truth Social, Shumon's mother posted: "Finally I'm a grandmother and so, I am right in most things. Well, that's what I thought. My mother just said something about being a great grandmother."