
Legend of the Golf

The Golf is a hugely popular model in Vee-Dub tuning culture. With a large fan base and a reputation for reliability and ease of customisation, the Golf has seen wildly varying tuning cultures evolve around it in different parts of Europe, mainly in Germany, Norway, France and the UK. The Germans favour an OEM+ approach, using subtle touches and copius amounts of lowering while the UK Vee-Dub crowd prefers going all-out with zany bodykits and loud colours. Everywhere else, it's a tactful blend of style and comfort. Rarely has a car seen so much variety in tuning styles, and we reckon the Golf is easily a tuning legend as a result. Long live the VW Golf.


Legend of the Golf

The Golf is a hugely popular model in Vee-Dub tuning culture. With a large fan base and a reputation for reliability and ease of customisation, the Golf has seen wildly varying tuning cultures evolve around it in different parts of Europe, mainly in Germany, Norway, France and the UK. The Germans favour an OEM+ approach, using subtle touches and copius amounts of lowering while the UK Vee-Dub crowd prefers going all-out with zany bodykits and loud colours. Everywhere else, it's a tactful blend of style and comfort. Rarely has a car seen so much variety in tuning styles, and we reckon the Golf is easily a tuning legend as a result. Long live the VW Golf.


উত্তরের চার জেলায় এক বছরে তামাক চাষ বেড়েছে ৪৪ শতাংশ

রংপুর অঞ্চলের উৎপাদিত তামাকের ৬০ শতাংশ আসে লালমনিরহাট থেকে। এর পরই রয়েছে রংপুর। এই জেলা থেকে আসে ২০ শতাংশ তামাক। নীলফামারীতে ১৫ শতাংশ আর ৫ শতাংশ গাইবান্ধায়। দেশি-বিদেশি কয়েকটি তামাক কোম্পানি এই...

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