

NSU organises orientation programme for Fall 2018 semester

North South University (NSU) warmly welcomed the newly enrolled students of Fall 2018 held on September 22, 2018 at its Bashundhara campus.

The orientation programme was designed to support the new students as they begin their journey at NSU. During the course of the programme, members of the NSU family introduced the freshers to life at the University, from academics and community norms to resources and support services.

Among the enrolled students, a total of 22 meritorious students were awarded full and partial scholarships for their outstanding results in the admission test of Fall 2018 under the NSU scholarship scheme by the chief guest, Hossain Toufique Imam, Political Advisor to Prime Minister, Govt. of People's Republic of Bangladesh.

M. A. Hashem, Chairman, NSU Board of Trustees (BOT) attended the programme as the guest of honour. M. A. Kashem; Mohammed Shahahan; Yasmin Kamal; and Rehana Rahman, Members, BOT, NSU were present in the programme.

The programme was chaired by Prof. Atiqul Islam, VC, NSU. The VC thanked the guardians for keeping their trust in NSU and said that students and staff were united in an ambition to inspire, achieve and excel. He further added, NSU is ready with all national and international standards of education.

Registrar A. H. Lutful Hassan delivered the welcome speech. Among others, Prof. Mohammad Mahboob Rahman, Dean, School of Business and Economics; Prof. Dr. Arshad M Chowdhury, Dean, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences; Prof. Abdur Rob Khan, Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences; and Prof. Dr. Nazmul Ahsan Khan, Proctor, NSU, delivered speeches. After the ceremony, the guests visited 23 the students clubs.

DIU and Alzheimer Society of Bangladesh observe  "World Alzheimer's Month"

Department of Public Health of Daffodil International University (DIU) and Alzheimer Society of Bangladesh (ASB) jointly observed World Alzheimer's Month based on the theme "Every 3 second, someone in the world develops dementia" on September 22, 2018 at 71 Milonayoton of DIU.

Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmed, Chairman, Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation adorned the chair as the chief guest while Mst. Selina Jahan Lita MP; Justice Md. Nazrul Islam Talukder; and Syed Mizanur Rahman, Director Student Affairs of DIU were present as the special guests. Presided over by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ismail Mustafa, Dean, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences of DIU, the programme was also addressed by Prof. Dr. A K M Nurunnabi, Population Sciences Department, University of Dhaka, and Rtn. M Khairul Alam, District Governor, Rotary International District – 3281; Md. Azizul Haque, Secretary General, Alzheimer Society of Bangladesh (ASB); Rtn. Sejan Khan, Chairman, Dementia Rotary Bangladesh; Prof. Dr. Harun Or Rashid, Head, Department of Public Health, DIU; Rtn. Rosy Sultana, President, Rotary Club of Rose Valley; Rtn. Md. Mahamudur Rahman, President, Rotary Club of Dhaka; and Rtn. Affan Ahmed Siddiqui, President, Rotary Club of Buriganga. Dr. Moshiur Rahman, Assistant Professor of Department of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology of Jessore University of Science and Technology presented keynote presentation on dementia and highlighted the role of the society to prevent dementia.

This is for the first time in the history of Bangladesh that Dementia Caregivers Golden Award were handed over to Saifuddin Ahmed; Taslima Kabir; Prof. Shahin Ahme; Dr. Nazifa Islam; and Advocate Abdul Malek.

AIUB holds General Meeting for Fall semester

The General Meeting of the American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) for the Fall 2018-2019 semester was held on September 20, 2018 in the Multipurpose Hall of AIUB campus, Kuratuli, Dhaka. Dr. Carmen Z Lamagna, VC of AIUB presided over the meeting. In connection with conducting Fall semester 2018–2019, teachers were informed about the academic calendar, teaching procedures, related courses, examination and publication of results including rules and regulation of the university.

Dr. Lamagna introduced the newly appointed Chairman of AIUB's Board of Trustees, Nadia Anwar, who then addressed the audience and expressed her gratitude to the Board for entrusting her with the responsibilities. She thanked everyone for their continuous support and hoped for the same in the upcoming days to work together for the betterment of AIUB. Dr. Hasanul A Hasan, Founder and Vice President, HR and Admin addressed the faculty members in the meeting and delivered his valuable speech.

Prof. Dr. Tafazzal Hossain, Pro-VC and Dean-in-charge of Faculty of Science and IT; Prof. Dr. Tazul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS); and Prof. Dr. A. B. M Siddique Hossain, Dean, Faculty of Engineering delivered their welcome address on the occasion. Registrar, Associates Deans, Directors Head of the Departments, faculty members and officials were present in the meeting.


SEU hosts national conference on "Enhancing Quality of Higher Education"

Southeast University (SEU) organised a national conference on "Enhancing Quality of Higher Education" on September 22, 2018 at SEU Permanent Campus, Tejgaon, Dhaka. Prof. Dr. A.N.M. Meshquat Uddin, VC of SEU presided over the inaugural and closing sessions.

Prof. Ahmed, also the Chairman of Bangladesh Accreditation Council, inaugurated the conference as the chief guest. Prof. Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary, Head of Quality Assurance Unit, HEQEP – UGC, and M. Kamaluddin Chowdhury, Representative Member of BOT, SEU Trust graced the inaugural session as the special guests.

Three business sessions were held where Prof. Dr. Saiful Islam, VC of BUET chaired the first session and Prof. Adhikary and Dr. SM Kabir, Professor, Department of Marketing, Rajshahi University gave their presentations. Prof. Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, VC of Daffodil International University chaired the second session and Dr. M. Nazmul Haque, former Professor, Institute of Education & Research (IER), University of Dhaka and Dr. Kazi K. Shahidullah, Assistant Professor, Bangladesh University of Professionals gave their presentations. Prof. Dr. M. Omar Rahman, VC of Independent University Bangladesh chaired the third session and Dr. Mahbub Ahsan Khan, Professor, Institute of Education & Research (IER), University of Dhaka and Dr. Zulfikar Rahman, Professor, Department of Agriculture Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University gave their presentations. 

Prof. Dr. Md. Akhtar Hossain, Member of UGC, attended the closing session as the chief guest. Among others, Prof. Dr. Md. Abu Taher, Pro-VC of SEU; Maj. Gen. Kazi Fakhruddin Ahmed (Retd.), Registrar of SEU; Prof. Dr. MA Hakim, Director, IQAC of SEU; Chairmen, Directors, faculty members and officials of various departments were present in the conference.


EU arranges international training programme on English Language Teacher Education

An international teacher training programme was held at Eastern University (EU) in collaboration with Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) and international organisation Teachers Helping Teachers (THT) from September 14-15, 2018. The resource persons were Prof. Dr. Patrick Dougherty (THT Team Leader); Dr. Cherie Brown; Dr. Anne McLelan Howard; Dr. Marian Wang; and Imogen Custance from Japan. Teachers of schools, colleges, and universities in Dhaka and from many other districts of Bangladesh attended the training session with great enthusiasm.



NSU organises orientation programme for Fall 2018 semester

North South University (NSU) warmly welcomed the newly enrolled students of Fall 2018 held on September 22, 2018 at its Bashundhara campus.

The orientation programme was designed to support the new students as they begin their journey at NSU. During the course of the programme, members of the NSU family introduced the freshers to life at the University, from academics and community norms to resources and support services.

Among the enrolled students, a total of 22 meritorious students were awarded full and partial scholarships for their outstanding results in the admission test of Fall 2018 under the NSU scholarship scheme by the chief guest, Hossain Toufique Imam, Political Advisor to Prime Minister, Govt. of People's Republic of Bangladesh.

M. A. Hashem, Chairman, NSU Board of Trustees (BOT) attended the programme as the guest of honour. M. A. Kashem; Mohammed Shahahan; Yasmin Kamal; and Rehana Rahman, Members, BOT, NSU were present in the programme.

The programme was chaired by Prof. Atiqul Islam, VC, NSU. The VC thanked the guardians for keeping their trust in NSU and said that students and staff were united in an ambition to inspire, achieve and excel. He further added, NSU is ready with all national and international standards of education.

Registrar A. H. Lutful Hassan delivered the welcome speech. Among others, Prof. Mohammad Mahboob Rahman, Dean, School of Business and Economics; Prof. Dr. Arshad M Chowdhury, Dean, School of Engineering and Physical Sciences; Prof. Abdur Rob Khan, Dean, School of Humanities and Social Sciences; and Prof. Dr. Nazmul Ahsan Khan, Proctor, NSU, delivered speeches. After the ceremony, the guests visited 23 the students clubs.

DIU and Alzheimer Society of Bangladesh observe  "World Alzheimer's Month"

Department of Public Health of Daffodil International University (DIU) and Alzheimer Society of Bangladesh (ASB) jointly observed World Alzheimer's Month based on the theme "Every 3 second, someone in the world develops dementia" on September 22, 2018 at 71 Milonayoton of DIU.

Dr. Qazi Kholiquzzaman Ahmed, Chairman, Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation adorned the chair as the chief guest while Mst. Selina Jahan Lita MP; Justice Md. Nazrul Islam Talukder; and Syed Mizanur Rahman, Director Student Affairs of DIU were present as the special guests. Presided over by Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ismail Mustafa, Dean, Faculty of Allied Health Sciences of DIU, the programme was also addressed by Prof. Dr. A K M Nurunnabi, Population Sciences Department, University of Dhaka, and Rtn. M Khairul Alam, District Governor, Rotary International District – 3281; Md. Azizul Haque, Secretary General, Alzheimer Society of Bangladesh (ASB); Rtn. Sejan Khan, Chairman, Dementia Rotary Bangladesh; Prof. Dr. Harun Or Rashid, Head, Department of Public Health, DIU; Rtn. Rosy Sultana, President, Rotary Club of Rose Valley; Rtn. Md. Mahamudur Rahman, President, Rotary Club of Dhaka; and Rtn. Affan Ahmed Siddiqui, President, Rotary Club of Buriganga. Dr. Moshiur Rahman, Assistant Professor of Department of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology of Jessore University of Science and Technology presented keynote presentation on dementia and highlighted the role of the society to prevent dementia.

This is for the first time in the history of Bangladesh that Dementia Caregivers Golden Award were handed over to Saifuddin Ahmed; Taslima Kabir; Prof. Shahin Ahme; Dr. Nazifa Islam; and Advocate Abdul Malek.

AIUB holds General Meeting for Fall semester

The General Meeting of the American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) for the Fall 2018-2019 semester was held on September 20, 2018 in the Multipurpose Hall of AIUB campus, Kuratuli, Dhaka. Dr. Carmen Z Lamagna, VC of AIUB presided over the meeting. In connection with conducting Fall semester 2018–2019, teachers were informed about the academic calendar, teaching procedures, related courses, examination and publication of results including rules and regulation of the university.

Dr. Lamagna introduced the newly appointed Chairman of AIUB's Board of Trustees, Nadia Anwar, who then addressed the audience and expressed her gratitude to the Board for entrusting her with the responsibilities. She thanked everyone for their continuous support and hoped for the same in the upcoming days to work together for the betterment of AIUB. Dr. Hasanul A Hasan, Founder and Vice President, HR and Admin addressed the faculty members in the meeting and delivered his valuable speech.

Prof. Dr. Tafazzal Hossain, Pro-VC and Dean-in-charge of Faculty of Science and IT; Prof. Dr. Tazul Islam, Dean, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS); and Prof. Dr. A. B. M Siddique Hossain, Dean, Faculty of Engineering delivered their welcome address on the occasion. Registrar, Associates Deans, Directors Head of the Departments, faculty members and officials were present in the meeting.


SEU hosts national conference on "Enhancing Quality of Higher Education"

Southeast University (SEU) organised a national conference on "Enhancing Quality of Higher Education" on September 22, 2018 at SEU Permanent Campus, Tejgaon, Dhaka. Prof. Dr. A.N.M. Meshquat Uddin, VC of SEU presided over the inaugural and closing sessions.

Prof. Ahmed, also the Chairman of Bangladesh Accreditation Council, inaugurated the conference as the chief guest. Prof. Dr. Sanjoy Kumar Adhikary, Head of Quality Assurance Unit, HEQEP – UGC, and M. Kamaluddin Chowdhury, Representative Member of BOT, SEU Trust graced the inaugural session as the special guests.

Three business sessions were held where Prof. Dr. Saiful Islam, VC of BUET chaired the first session and Prof. Adhikary and Dr. SM Kabir, Professor, Department of Marketing, Rajshahi University gave their presentations. Prof. Dr. Yousuf Mahbubul Islam, VC of Daffodil International University chaired the second session and Dr. M. Nazmul Haque, former Professor, Institute of Education & Research (IER), University of Dhaka and Dr. Kazi K. Shahidullah, Assistant Professor, Bangladesh University of Professionals gave their presentations. Prof. Dr. M. Omar Rahman, VC of Independent University Bangladesh chaired the third session and Dr. Mahbub Ahsan Khan, Professor, Institute of Education & Research (IER), University of Dhaka and Dr. Zulfikar Rahman, Professor, Department of Agriculture Extension Education, Bangladesh Agricultural University gave their presentations. 

Prof. Dr. Md. Akhtar Hossain, Member of UGC, attended the closing session as the chief guest. Among others, Prof. Dr. Md. Abu Taher, Pro-VC of SEU; Maj. Gen. Kazi Fakhruddin Ahmed (Retd.), Registrar of SEU; Prof. Dr. MA Hakim, Director, IQAC of SEU; Chairmen, Directors, faculty members and officials of various departments were present in the conference.


EU arranges international training programme on English Language Teacher Education

An international teacher training programme was held at Eastern University (EU) in collaboration with Bangladesh English Language Teachers Association (BELTA) and international organisation Teachers Helping Teachers (THT) from September 14-15, 2018. The resource persons were Prof. Dr. Patrick Dougherty (THT Team Leader); Dr. Cherie Brown; Dr. Anne McLelan Howard; Dr. Marian Wang; and Imogen Custance from Japan. Teachers of schools, colleges, and universities in Dhaka and from many other districts of Bangladesh attended the training session with great enthusiasm.


গাজীপুরে জেলা প্রশাসকের কার্যালয়ের সামনে বিক্ষোভে হাসনাত-সারজিস

বিকেল পৌনে ৪টার দিকে শহরের রাজবাড়ী সড়কে পৌঁছান এই দুই কেন্দ্রীয় নেতা। তারা সড়ক আটকে অবস্থানরত নেতাকর্মীদের সঙ্গে সংহতি জানান।
