Student politics is a reality that Bangladeshi university students have to deal with on a day-to-day basis.
It's a lesser known evil that is wreaking havoc among young people.
The bar for women is set higher than for men in the professional field.
While the Bangladeshi youth is well-acquainted with the international fashion community, we are not as familiar with the local scene, especially when it comes to modelling.
Food vlogging is one of the fastast growing areas of content creation.
“It is generally known that teenagers go through immense changes in terms of physical and emotional growth due to the influence of hormones.
“I have no knowledge of the script of my mother tongue, Kokborok. I face some problems while having lengthy conversations as well.
Now that I recall the memories of those days, and compare the modern day computing system to that white one in my living room, I feel quite amazed as to how far we have come. Yet, that white setup kept me entertained when boredom reached its peak, and gave me the opportunity to experience the life I was either not allowed to have back then or I was missing out on.
Street vendors are a defining part of Dhaka. And in these roadside businesses, the cheap clothing industry is booming. It’s a shopper’s dream; you can find almost every possible clothing item at shockingly affordable rates.
Do you have an old laptop lying around the house that no one has the patience to even turn on? Perhaps its usefulness can be likened to that of the exit button on Skype.
Unlike other days, Srijita woke up almost half an hour before her alarm rang. She knew this week was going to be one of the most exciting weeks of her life,
Rashed tried to remain as courteous as possible, and looked for the man’s bags. After only five minutes in the crowd, Mr. Chowdhury yelled, “Ridiculous! I’ll wait in the executive lounge for first class passengers. You let me know after the luggage is here and you have called my cars.”
When it comes to entertainment, the demand for pirated content remains in Bangladesh despite the availability of a number of legal alternatives. Streaming services officially available in Bangladesh such as Iflix, Gaan and ones that aren’t such as Netflix has not cured