Exams are the worst. I said it as a kid, I say it now, and will continue saying it. I mean, what even is the purpose of exams?
Being mid-way through exam week, I've been served with an extra helping of cramming this week, and all I've been able to think is what it means for me. As always, I'm well prepared for some, and not as much for others. However, one thing remains constant. In about two weeks, I will not be able to sit for the same exam again without having to prepare all over again.
If all that is being "learnt" during the exam is just rote memorising a bunch of words, only to forget in a few days, I don't really believe we are taking away a lot from it, or that we're gaining any tangible skills (apart from being able to work through exam anxiety).
Maybe this just sounds like a rant from a sleep deprived student, or maybe I have a point. Guess we'll never know.