Respect is a two-way street
Small steps us men could take can make the world a safer place for women by a lot. No one's asking anyone to fundamentally change overnight. It's all about treating a human being better and stepping in when toxic behaviour manifests. Y'know when your friend uses the “S” word to describe a girl after a breakup? That's uncalled for and it's just vindictive behaviour. When a girl does well in her field, a lot of guys automatically reach for the “It's because she's pretty” card and that simply discredits all her hard work. While a lot of men might think that such “locker room talk” is simply that and should not be taken seriously, that is not the case. It creates an environment where misogyny is accepted, if not spread. So the next time a friend or an acquaintance decides to belittle a person based on their gender, you should talk to your bro, bro.
– Rumman R Kalam, In-charge, SHOUT