Sometimes I wonder what my favorite aura is like, and I think it's sunny but mellow,
Muted orange, cranberry Jell-O,
Pink lemonade, peaches and cream, dreamy mornings
Spent in a warm honey haze.
Or the color of uninterrupted conversation,
Hearts melting together,
Hours melting into each other,
Then stiffening and breaking apart only to melt into it again, over and over
Or is it like cold crashing waves,
Is it like the calm before the storm or the calm that comes after?
Is it like leather underneath lace or like lace underneath leather?
Like starry nights, running in the silver, velvet rain
Like red full moons, and blurry childhood memories frozen in permanence.
It's like every moment has a shade and a taste to it. Do we ever get used to it?