Art and Its Essentiality
Art's pertinence has always been evident, but debatable. It's not core to our survival, like food or security. Art may be the oldest form of outlet and communication but being uninformed about it does not make us inherently ignorant. Whatever art teaches us can be learned from the sources that have served as muse in the first place. Art is merely a medium, not an irreplaceable component of life. In fact, if you try to categorise art in Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, art will only be placed under 'self-actualisation'. Self-actualisation is merely the understanding of one's talent and incentives. Talent can be monetised, yes, but there are jobs that do not require talent and pay enough to sustain.
All we talk about is how art is not a solemn necessity, thus, not the best medium to earn money. Let's put that thought aside for a while and consider something else, the sheer effort behind it. The contemplation that goes behind the creation is oftentimes taxing itself, then comes the process of portraying it into something tangible. All of this requires time and effort, both very irreconcilable with zero market value when it comes to every other sector but art.
Local artists here in Bangladesh have it difficult. For the oddest reasons, people cannot wrap their heads around the fact that even art costs money. There are people who are eager to pay decent compensations, but the majority are ignorant. Not only are many apathetic to the toil itself, but the fact that an artist does not necessarily specialise in every possible arena is also not understood. Chastising artists for wanting to charge a customer or not agreeing to their proposed work is worryingly prevalent. Not only do artists put in hours, but they also procure a device to communicate your desires and preferences. Just because artists happen to have a knack for creating art, does not mean that they make art out of thin air with minimal to no effort. Digital art is highly disregarded in this situation for the sheer assumption that creating art is easier due to the aid of digital means and technology. Art requires effort, no matter what the device.
Now, sprinting back to essentiality, art is often assumed as only a medium of recreation. Art creates balance when everything is in disarray, helping normalise emotions and dealing with them. Art celebrates beauty in the mundane and shoves it in our faces. It's the most important unnecessary necessity. We need food for survival, but we crave food for the taste of it. Art is, very similarly, the essence of life that artists engender.
Aysha's brain unclogs at the sight of a crown of raven curls. Don't ask her what it is because she won't tell at